Socialising sober

Hey, just wondering if anyone has any advice for socialising sober. Every year my husband and I host a big bbq and piss up on boxing day but since I quit 5 days ago and boxing day is coming up just wondering if its going to be hard and if anyone else found it hard. Everybody else will be drinking

My husband and I go to UFC events often, and if we aren’t there in person, we have parties and watch it on tv at home. That was essentially my weekend, and somewhat difficult distracting others from realizing that I too wasn’t getting wasted. What saved me was caffeine and sugar. I made sure I always had a drink in my hand (usually coffee or soda). I don’t have any tips for socializing per se. I did participate in conversations just like I would’ve if I was drinking. I even diffused a few arguments that normally I probably would’ve contributed to. Honestly, it felt awesome. There’s no reason you can’t still have fun!


Thank you. This gives me hope. I know it will be hard at first, but from what I hear it gets easier. Im not much of a talker but when Im drunk Im the life of the party. Hopefully I can still have a conversation and vontribute to the fun. Thanks for your advice :kissing_closed_eyes:

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Hey. I’m 145 days sober today and to be honest I still can’t go to any places where they serve alcohol. The temptation and the struggle I go through is just too big and totally not worth it. If you want any serious advice from someone who has dedicated everything and sacrificed a lot to not only be sober but to think and behave sober, try to avoid those places at first. Even if you don’t drink that night, it will come back few days later… have you thought about having a smaller party this year and maybe make it “alcohol free”? Think about it. Anyways good luck!


My husband’s friends are having a “get together” over the holidays and he of course wants to go because he hardly sees them anymore (we all live in different cities so the holidays is when they all return home). I don’t want to go because I know there will be offers of alcohol. While my husband now realises that I haven’t been drinking for a few weeks now I don’t think he realises that I have admitted to being a full blown alcoholic and that I can’t have a social drink anymore. I don’t think he sees how stressed out I am over this idea. But I’m going to go and I’ll just drink club sodas all night. :frowning:

I think that’s one of the reasons some of us started drinking in the first place…we’re shy or feel socially akward…and alcohol changed that (and oh boy did it change it :rolling_eyes:) You learn more about yourself and your personality when you get sober. Having a conversation may take more effort at first but they’ll be more meaningful (not just drunk banter) I learned that I’m highly sensitive and can pick up sudel things from people just by watching (feelings, facial expressions, body language) I don’t feel obligated to talk constantly or have forced conversations.

My partner always thinks that if I have a few days off that’s enough but I am determined to stop for me. I sometimes feel if I drink he will relax as its the old me, It’s not until I become unbearable and we argue that he realizes I can’t just have one and stop like others and I am trying to reach out to him but he is not taking me seriously anyone else having this problem?? Drinking has seemed to define me and the struggle is to now redefine myself. Why is it that not drinking is seen as weakness!
The way I am going to try and face social situations is ordering a soda water first as I am thirsty and then buy my own drinks and hope no one notices. Not the best plan though x