Solutions Based

Think ill leave it to you young uns thanks lol what about Derek :wink:

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If someone takes exception to the flag, they have the option to delete or edit their post, as well as PMng a mod to discuss. We do review all flags someone has received when making decisions about suspension, which really doesn’t happen much.

Adding more complexity isn’t a great solution IMHO, nor is giving voice to someone who is already often riled up. But that is just my experience. I suggest we allow the new mods some time to get their feet wet and then see if they have suggestions on any changes needed to how flags are handled.

Edited to add, I appreciate the input!


Now that is a constructive suggestion imho.
Same with a v. graphic image of needle in vein which I responded to a week or so ago. The person who posted realised it might trigger and deleted of their own accord.
Awareness and empathy, virtues we (= I) could do with cultivating…
P. S. I think you meant addiction not ‘auction’ :thinking: - nice typo :joy:
P. P. S. Language is another ‘grey’ area IMO - “crap” n “shit” seem to be ok, but personally I dislike too many f++k n c++t mentions :confused: again, maybe a “venting anger section” could cope with those who want to swear.


Swearing is not against the rules per se.


The way I see language here is that I can swear if I want, with the understanding that it can inflame tense or sensitive situations, possibly make me appear hostile or angry, and that name-calling and bullying is still off-limits.

We’re from many different cultures and subcultures, and four letter words don’t have the same level of vulgarity across all of them, and in some contexts not even the same meaning. To many there is value in expressing things that particular way.

I agree that empathy and awareness go a long way. If everyone posts with those values in mind, they can find ways of expressing their thoughts that are not damaging. Nobody is going to be happy with every post here, but I hope they can at least feel safe.


Were a bunch of addicts jesus If swearing was a rule I’d be kicked out on day 1 lol​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Hahaha I hadn’t thought about the rude memes :see_no_evil: I will ask her about that next time I see her!

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