Someone watches you(!)

Well, it’s maybe strange to hear for you but, did you know that there is someone who watches you all the time?

I know him and his name is jesus. He is there with you in your meeting at the office, he is there at the bar sitting next to you trying to convince you to take orange juice, to not watch that woman next to you, and just walk out
To say no to your friends if they go to the club, and to put your laptop, computer, ipad, phone or tablet away if you are on your own and tempting thoughts are running through your mind! Listen to that small voice in your head and do what it says. I know its a lot easter to just give in but don’t! People count on you and my god is bigger than your problems!

The bible says ‘come to me, all you are weary and lost and I will give you results’

Stefan(was addicted to porn. Now clean for almost 30 days!!)