Something is missing

I have been sober for almost 60 days and love being sober. When I was in Rehab I became close to some people, both men and women that became not just my support but also my family. For a while now I have been having this overwhelming feeling that something is missing from my recovery and I’m thinking it’s the friendship and feeling of a family bond that I had. Hopefully as I start to participate in here I will be able to find it here as well.


Maybe try ameeting meet new sober friends wish you well


The triangle within a circle that is the AA logo represents the three “legacies” of AA. These are unity, recovery, and service. The program fosters service to others, personal recovery, and a community of like minded individuals who cares for one another. And all you have to do to share in this community is to show up at a meeting.

Blessings on your house :pray: as you begin your journey.


Find some sort of sober group! AA, SMART, ect.

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I feel the same about my rehab family. I am having a problem posting a draft I wrote,checking in what am I missing? Please help ty

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Congratulations on your 60days. Welcome to the app. I myself have someone I befriended through this app and we check in with each other on a regular basis. As you comment to the stories and statements in the app you’ll become familiar and gain friends that support you and have the same struggles. :wave:t4::blush:

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When I first got the app I was a bit nervous to share. I first started reading around the different topics. Have been participating in some daily which in turn has given me familiarity with some other users. It’s nice to start building bonds with others here. Like others said join different topics, comment and like. Everyone here is so welcoming and kind.

Big congrats on 60 days :balloon: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada:


Congratulations on your almost 60 ODAATs Rob.
This is a great clean and sober community. I’ve been on TS quite awhile just sharing my experiences and what works for me and I’ve made quite a few friends. This is my only form of friendship support I have. I don’t really have anyone else to share my sobriety with irl. So I share it here. A lot. It’s working for me. Have a good read around. Join in when you’re comfortable.



This message is so nice Miranda.