Something to make you all smile

Hey guys, tomorrow is my big one year, super proud of myself.

Today I am baby sitting my best friends son, he’s 4 and he means the world to me…

Anyway, they showed up with a present for me, which I wasn’t expecting.

I’ve never been to AA and I won’t knock it just thought it wouldn’t be my cup of tea, but I do love the idea of chip milestones. My friend knows this and has made me a trophy with her son

IT’S MY ONE YEAR CHIP! :heart_eyes:


That is such a thoughtful gesture,how lovely.xxcongraulation on your amazing clean proud


Thanks! They are the best, I would not have been trusted to baby sit one year ago. So this morning it’s pokemon on Netflix marathon :slight_smile:


Thats awesome! Congratz to u! Its beautiful how many gifts u get when u be sober💪🏻

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Congratulations on your sobriety. What a beautiful thoughtful gift x

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Well done on reaching a year sober, that’s a brilliant achievement, could you maybe share the things you have done and steps that you’ve taken to get this far. It could be of huge benefit to the other forum members for whom AA is not an option. :+1::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


That’s awesome. What a lovely friend. Well done you.

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Thanks guys. Honestly it’s hard for me to sum up what this year has been like. Its true it does get easier and the shame does get less and less though its a slow process. Errr here’s a few of my best:

  1. Have a solid routine
    2.No booze in the house
  2. (sorry, cliche) Remind yourself of all the things you’re grateful for even when it’s hard, some people literally have nothing not even food so if you have a job be grateful, if you have friends be grateful even when they are being a pain in the ass. If you have eyes and ears and arms and legs be grateful :slightly_smiling_face:
  3. Get outside even if it’s just a little bit every now and again, fresh air and a change of scenery do wonders for the soul
  4. Read, doesnt have to be sober literature. If it occupies you and gets the imagination going then that’s good. I have enjoyed a few sobriety audio books, Russel brand & Annie Grace in the early days. Currently ‘the unexpected joy of being sober’ as I thought it would be good to cement the foundations coming up to the big 365 days. It’s really good!
  5. Check in on the app often, even when everything is fine. Even if you don’t post, it’s good to know you’re not alone.
  6. Something really important to me! We did an exercise at work about understanding your circle of influence and what is or not in your control and how to focus your energy on what you can control. I remind myself of this all the time.
  7. Count the days, count the money saved. Its agonosingly slow at first but then the time starts to fly and you won’t believe how much time and money you saved. For me it’s over £5000 and I have brought myself my first car it’s very satisfying to see it there on the drive.

Also, for people still abusing/ using / suffering… I promise you will love yourself more and everyone you know (that is worth knowing) will like you more. If they don’t have time for you sober then sack them off

Peace and love guys!


Great share, thanks @Angellic_Akima! And fab one year chip :rofl: xx congratulations on 1 year! Xx

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Sounds perfeck.

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This is great stuff and I love your friends for being so thoughtful!! Big huge congratulations on your year!!! That is so amazing and inspiring!! Thank you for sharing!!!


This is brilliant and it certainly made me smile. Congrats on your year.

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Wonderful plan you have there and really good advice! Congrats on a year of sobriety. That’s massive. I love your trophy! What a thoughtful gift for your friends to give you!


Fantastic, great accomplishment! Congrats.

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Thank you for all of the kind messages, got my date wrong it was 9pm UK time last night whoop!

Now I feel like I can start counting up the days instead of counting down from a year :heart_eyes:


Great to see this this morning. Huge congrats Holly! Love the way you went about it. Awesome and inspirational stuff.

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This is ADORABLE!!! Congratulations!

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That was a very thoughtful gift.

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