Soooooo freaking bored

I am so bored and isolated. I cleaned all day, did mom stuff, I’m watching a movie, did laundry. … it all feels like nothing, I need some happiness and laughs, joking, socializing, crap I used to get from going to the bar


Am in the same situation but I try to find new hobbies. I do things that I would never normally do in my drinking days like go for walks, read , etc. it’s very hard but things do get better…


How about instead of a bar hit a meeting and find friends to talk to and hang out and bullshyt with? Also maybe try participate with groups going to events. Check for local events going on around ur town. Alot of towns are celebrating octoberfest and other festivals…


I’m in the same boat. I’m stuck inside, couldn’t find any meetups and been playing video games all day…

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I’m right there with you. I go on Groupon and find fun things to do (tea tasting, foot massage, helicopter ride.) It helps to plan out my week and include fun things to look forward to. I also love to cook and I go to group workouts. Find a different group to connect with and don’t let bordom lead you back to the bar. Redefine fun!


I wish someone would drag my ass out, I can’t rely on me…


This is me. I’ve logged like 30 hours in Dragon Quest 11 in like 2 days.

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Video Games are a must


Clash of Clans here.

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Last minute theatre tickets? Single seats are usually cheap too. I love being at the theatre alone, I can immerse myself in the show and not have to chat to anyone :blush:


:joy: That made me laugh. Thank You for that

It is easy to think going to the bar was really fun but if it was, why are you stopping drinking? Play the tape to the end… If you’re here I bet it didn’t work out all that well one way or another. If you miss socialising with your friends, call them and do something else. Go for coffee, go a museum, watch a film, go for a walk. People who don’t have a problem with alcohol don’t mind not drinking. Or if you need to make some friends start an activity, join a class, do some volunteering.

If you can’t work out being social sober yet that’s fine, it will come. Read a book, put some music on and have a dance round the house, go for a walk, watch tutorials on YouTube and learn something. Or learn to be ok with just chilling out, you don’t have to do something every second of every day.

Basically there are lots of options open to you!

Meditation works for me to help me refocus my thoughts. There’s also something in learning to be grateful for what you have too that helps foster a positive mindset. Happiness isn’t the pursuit of temporary pleasure, it’s something we need to work on - it doesn’t just happen.


Why is that?

Because I want to be social but at the same time feel alone like no one contacts me to hang and I feel like they don’t care. I’ve felt very isolated all year. I’ve stopped talking to bad influence people and turns out it’s much of my family and friends base. It’s been an extremely tough year and I wish someone would reach out and just take care of me.
I picked up some extra clients for work so that will take time up and I will see what volunteer activities I can find, I coach my kids in sports and that is time as well as scouts. I just want something with a friend… laughing, joking, nights in, it’s all gone.

The fellowship of AA is there if you want it.


I know, I’m having trouble going. I wish I felt more comfortable

Are your kids around? Hang out with them! I find that one of my kids usually ends up making me laugh. Or they suggest things to do. It’s nice because we can finally go outside again woo hoo!

Thank you for the suggestions, I see all the options. Can anyone relate maybe to these feelings? I’m almost a year in and still don’t know what I’m doing or why I’m doing it. I did get Beautiful Katamari for xbox360 to zone out on. I will try some other game options as the time alone zoning out on games feels similar to why I liked alcohol. Gives me a reason not to think too hard about life. I tried Skyrim and I feel bad saying it but it wasn’t for me. Lol. Any 360 or android game suggestions? I hike, spend time with my kids, work, clean, etc already. I’m trying to join an indoor soccer league but you have to come in on a team… I’ll keep trying. Sorry if this post is all over the place.

Has anyone suggested doing volunteer work or working with another alcoholic. My new passion is trying to get into high schools and middle schools to work with at risk youth. I’ve been contacted by a couple principals so hopefully it takes off.