SOS 911 Withdrawal is in full effect

Omg!!! I am having a hard time right now :sleepy: my withdrawal is in full swing :tired_face: I am agitated and frustrated :angry: :rage: I want to drink but I know I cannot I honestly don’t want to but my body and brain are at war right now I’m reaching out and feeling better while typing I plan on going for a walk after the sun goes down I’m sure that will help


I would take a good pause.

Sometimes I head on over to the gratitude thread and force myself to list ten things I’m grateful for because I’m sober. If I’m not sober I got nothing. And it will just get worse. It always does. Then I’ll feel like shit.

Hang in there kid.
This too shall pass.


Walking is a great Idea. You taking the time to see what your feelings are is great. Sugary food helped me


Check out a meditation on insight timer app for free


This is awesome :ok_hand: thanks :+1: :blush:

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Someone else suggested sweet treats :yum: I knew this was coming didn’t expect it to hit me all of a sudden :upside_down_face:


Honestly, sugar and carbs call off the dogs for me. I know there are healthier options to handle it, but for me, these things give me the instant kick I need in that awful moment.

I’ve said it before on here, but I’ll tackle unhealthy eating when I’ve put enough distance between me and the last drink I’ve had. I’m prioritising my sobriety above all, and I’m okay with that for now.

Whatever you need to do to kick the withdrawal, then do it. Walks, meditate, jump in on a meeting, whatever works for you. Get it done :white_check_mark: the feeling will pass.

You did a great thing reaching out in your hour if need, well done :people_hugging:


Made it through yesterday and feeling good better today