Start all over

It’s hard bu I can do it…


Sure can, you’re the only thing that can stop you. Keep working for it


Same boat here. We can do it :+1: it’s day 1 for me too.


We’re in this together then. Thank you for telling me that it’s your first day too. Feels less lonely.

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@Vessel @cpthook60 yeah. It’s my first day. I am already craving for more :joy:

Watching Vikings on Netflix. Inspiration for the book I am writing. But actually that’s just an excuse. I like Vikings. Have you watched it?

Trying to keep my mind away from thoughts of booze. Not very easy. I was cleaning some stuff using Methyl Alcohol in my washroom and now half the house is smelling of Alcohol. Haha. What a fuckup on day 1.


Vikings great show , bit of a viking myself

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Of course you can do it, we all can.
if you’ll forgive me for making a suggestion, you might want to try checking in here quite often.
I have found it (and still find it) to be pretty damn useful.


Yes you can and will !
The benefeits are amazing

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Remember you are not those thoughts that tell you it will be OK to use just one more time chanel your energy for the good stuff in your life🙏