Started smoking to quit drinking

I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing or not… I mean I’m happy to be sober but I have started smoking cigarettes again after 4 years. I would occasionally smoke but now when I come home from work I smoke to keep myself occupied maybe out of boredom but it has helped my not pour that glass of beer wine whatever… have any of you started smoking when you quit drinking?


I haven’t but BOY have I been thinking about it. Or one of those e-cigarettes thing.


Yes indeed. I’ve always enjoyed an occasional cigar, but I’m talking few and far between. I’m sober 4 days now and have been smoking cigars as a kind of crutch. I’ve kept it to one a day. I’m not ashamed.

@alpine_1975…you don’t fear it is replacing one addiction with another?? I mean that as an honest question. I’m scared at this point that I’ll start over eating, or worse, that my eating disorder will return. Or that I’ll become an obsessive exerciser. I just fear that I have an addictive personality and I’m just looking for ANYTHING to become addicted to.


This is exactly what I meant with my question. That is my fear that I’ll start smoking more again and not just occasionally. I keep telling myself that I’ll smoke only until I get over the urge to drink but I’m not convinced that is actually the case…


Why is it you want to stop drinking? Did you want to be more healthy? If so cigs are just going to ruin your lungs in the long run.

It naturally to replace one habit with another but do it by replacing a bad one with a good one. Pick anything else that will occupy your time calm you down and be good for you.

Smoking will just lead to another addiction one day you wish you had never started and could give up but it will harder then. Do it now while its easier.


I agree with most of what y’all are saying and I wasn’t condoning anything, just answering a question. Cigarettes and cigars are not in the same wheelhouse for me personally. I don’t crave cigars and really don’t even inhale, just taste. For me it’s just a bit of an oral fixation. Cigarettes are as addictive as heroine and I don’t recommend them for anyone.

Why can’t we get addicted to cucumber or cabbage, something healthy!


I know seriously! I tried the ecigs but it made me sick as a dog… the next day I had the worst sore throat of my life then I got a fever… I have no idea why but that was the last of the ecigs for me. I only have three cigarettes when I get home from work and it really helps me not have a drink. Honestly like that is my number one objective right now. I don’t know… I’m just trying to get by not drinking day by day and this is helping me at the moment. One thing at a time I guess… especially through the holidays which are really hard for me.

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How did it go???.. I am on day 26, no drinking but using coffee and cigarettes excessively to stay sober… have you finally quit smoking?

I did the same thing. Was actually encouraged to smoke in my first days sober by several people in my quad a group. It really helped. And I quit cigarettes again within the year. I do vape now but I’m very happy with trading destroying my life with alcohol for a little vaping. :wink:

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For me, smoking makes me want to drink. I had a cigarette in my hand whenever I was drink so I was smoking all day everyday. The last cigarette I had was in detox and I only smoked because it was the only time we were allowed to go outside. That was over four months ago. In IOP, they really tried to press it upon patients to quote smoking as it’s a symptom of their DOC. People who smoked are three times more likely to relapse. In my mind, if you’re going to stay sober, you need to change everything about your lifestyle. To me, smoking is a step backwards. Replace it with something healthy instead


I started smoking cigarettes again the very last night I drank. I bummed 2 that night, coincidentally found a half a pack and 10 bucks in about a week later, smoked that and bought more with the 10 bucks, and then basically just smoked like I used too. Smoking about a pack and half a day.

I smoked like that for about 14 months, haven’t smoked in about 2 months using a vape now. I don’t know that the long term effects will be any less impactful, but I can breathe better, and my sense of smell returned, it’s also far cheaper than actual cigarettes.

All the while I have stayed sober. To me, I’d do it again, it helped me not drink even if it is a crutch in it’s own right and dangerous to my health. I don’t know how long I’ll vape, truly I’d prefer not to want to at all but I still do, for now.

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Makes sense. I think that helps prove the point that everyone just needs to find a way to stay sober that works for them. It is true that you don’t high / get a DUI for smoking cigarettes. But if cigarettes help make you drink then obviously not a good idea!

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Exactly. In the beginning all rules go out the window. Fill those sugar cravings with candy and sugary drinks, smoke that cigarette…just don’t pick up!