Starting a Journal

Hey all,

I’m going to start a physical journal today chronicling my sober days. I’m 4 days in… I ALWAYS start projects late, I meant to start on day 1 after my reset, that never happened. Better late then never right?


I didn’t start one and when I got to 6 months I wish I had, just so I could look back and see it in writing. My memory ain’t that great.

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I think I would feel the same way. So there’s no time like the present. I just finished my first entry. Even if it’s a couple of sentences, a blurb on how my day is going, song lyrics, or whatever the case may be. Something to document each day.

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Thats exactly what i did yesterday to keep looking back in track


Started one as well today. Mainly due to a strange dream I didn’t want to forget