Starting again... once again

Im back! After attempting to quit back in March, I failed. I wasn’t truly ready for change. I’ve done made it 3 full days & today was harder but no going back this time. I’m better than my addiction! I’m happy to be clear minded & feeling again. Tylenol has been such a friend to me. These migraines aint no joke. Yet, still better than being high. Glad to be back y’all! #IWillWinThisTime #IChooseMe


I believe in you Tiffany, you have it in you❤

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Thank you so much!

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Glad to see you back Tiffany :blush:
I’ve quit for long stretches in the past, but this time there was a subtle shift. I can’t really describe it better than a deep feeling of just being done.
It’s a relief, isn’t it?

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Good for you. YOU CAN DO IT.

What are your plans this time? Do you have something already in place to deal with the temptations? You said today was harder. Did you do something to help? White knuckling the hard days will only work for so long. There are lots of posts here on creating your sobriety tool box. Take a look and see if there are things you can put into yours.


Thats exactly how I feel ! This is m y forst time in recovery on over 10 years but im in this to win this. I have a 5 year old who soley relies on me so failure is no option🤙
What are your guy’s motivators ?


Sorry my grammars sloppy, just woke up and trying to get the boy to school ! Lol

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Hello, i amnin the exact same boat as you. Expect i feel off the wagon in Jan and am barely making my way back in the righg path. I an on day 3 again and the headaches are no joke. I tried b12 for the headaches and a half of magnesium pill for the anxiety. They have both helped alot. Right now im struggling with sleep. Good luck in your recovery. Keep posting amd keep talking to the group and know you are not alone.

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Not feeling like an emotional and physical wreck.
My daughter, only kid still at home, who needs and deserves to see her mother face down difficulties with clarity and dignity.
Even cheapass wine still adds up, so $ are an added, though not nearly as important, motivator.

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My thrive has become me. Anytime I try to be sober for someone else (even my kids) I fail. I eliminated the users in my life (family) til im further along in my sobriety. The more people say I can’t succeed (family), pushes me harder. I just knew I didn’t want to be that person anymore. I’m finally happier, my mind is not foggy, my relationship with my husband and children are better. I’m striving for me. Tomorrow will make 1 week sober💗

Hello. Im a chronic relapser. Ive reset clock and told a peer about it. Just remain honest and keep using the app everyday.