Starting over tomorrow

I’m new here. Quit drinking several times this year. Never gotten past day 8 or 9. Really want to have a life that doesn’t involve constant hangovers, want too be a better wife and mom. And get healthy.


You have found the right place for support. All of us have struggles but we support amd encourage each other. Take it one step at a time. You can do this!!!:blush:

Thanks Marsha for the encouragement!

I came here for that same reason! There is a lot of support here! I haven’t been able to get passed day 3 but in a couple hours I will be at day 6! Whenever I think about wanting to drink I open up the counter and get on this forum. Let me know if you ever want to chat :slight_smile:

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I’m with you. Only made it a max 3 days so far😔I told myself that it was ok because I start classes back up tomorrow and it’s my last day of freedom. So I had a few beers tonight and am now lying in bed, uncomfortable and irritated because I have a headache now. Since my new semester starts tomorrow, I’m using this as a good reason stay sober. I’ve been an honor student since I joined the school, imagine how I could do without those “unwind” beers while I work on homework! We can start over together!


I’m in school too! Started classes last week. I drank the last of what was in the house today, a mere 3 shots of vodka. Feel terrible, puffy and unhealthy! Thanks for the reply!

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