Hopefully this’ll be therapeutic.
I’m now at 7 days sober. No alcohol and no tranquilizers, although the later would help.
I’m a very anxious person and suddenly at 11pm I felt a sudden rush of being alone. I started worrying about ruined friendships and past mistakes. I started worrying about how I wish things were different. Wishing I had a relationship instead of being cheated on and seeing that man act like the victim.
I suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of hopelesness. I just wanted to give up and I ended up cutting myself.
Now - the next morning - I’ve realised that it’s good I’m still sober, but I have to take each day one at a time.
I just hope I don’t feel alone again
You will make it! I often felt lonely and I killed this feeling with alcohol… when woke up again, lonelyness was even more covering me. Staying sober I am learning to “manage” my moods. Lonelyness might be a feeling, but there is no need to capitulate. Staying sober energy, activities AND friendships come back or come up.
Let’s stay strong, let’s stay sober!
I know exactly how you feel. If I’m not the only one who feels like this sometimes then I can’t be crazy? Even if we are though, at least we know we aren’t actually alone.
I’ve always had a strong sense of self awareness.Im aware of everything I do or say and I have always observed other people way too much.I notice how I make them feel and read all of their body languages and see if they match their words.I read way too much into their actions as well and without friends knowing I try to analyze them.
Drinking helped me not over think.Then again I’d just spit out whatever I was thinking without feeling the slightest guilt, which is damaging to other people. When I’m sober at least I have time to decide if I wanted to decide what I will say.
I have spent maybe nights worried that people hate me, and should I really have ended that friendship?or FRIENDSHIPS
I too have cut myself years ago, I have since stopped.I also stopped smoking cigarettes.
But being sober from alcohol has helped in good ways as well even though I’m over thinking alot. I do not regret the friendships that ended because I know that everything happens for a reason.People are entitled to change themselves many times over the years and I’m no longer going to let the past interfere with my present.Hold onto the present if you can, hold onto who you are today, because that’s what matters