Stop watching

Can you guys help me to stop watching porn

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Hi Ben, my name’s Matt and I am a recovering porn / masturbation addict. Welcome to Talking Sober!

The good news is you can make a change. The first thing I’d suggest is learning more about how porn affects your brain and your reward pathways. You can do this with a reliable book - there are lots; I’d look for one that’s well-researched. Your Brain On Porn was helpful for me.

Next thing would be to do what you can to disrupt the habits that you have. For myself I found it helpful to change my location - I started avoiding being home alone - and also I got rid of my smartphone and replaced it with a flip phone. These measures don’t fix the problem on their own, but they do help interrupt the pathway to porn - so you have more chances to stop yourself.

It is a long process. You will have work to do, to better understand yourself and what’s missing in your life. But you can do it.

As you start learning one thing that can help is a recovery group. I am a member of a sex addiction recovery group in my city. It is incredibly helpful to have access to experienced voices to help you on your recovery journey. Neal made a good post about this a little while back:

Check back in here. What can you do tonight to keep yourself safe?


“What can you do tonight to keep yourself safe?”

I can be mindful with activities, that I’m doing and decide to wake up early and go to sleep early too.
The activities would mostly include the ones, which are helpful in my personal development.
Putting activities, which are creating something are half implemented (physical activities are, but artistic are not yet, though shortly will).

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