Stopping relapses help needed

Hi, it’s good that you’ve come to this site, we all need some help from time to time.
If I can make one suggestion, it would be to pick up the “Stop Drinking” book by Alan Carr (I’m reasonably certain about the spelling of his name), you can download it from Amazon for probably less the £5. Lots of good information in there.
One of the things that I got from that book, is the realisation that doing without alcohol is not DEPRIVING yourself of anything, but rather FREEING yourself from the talons of an industry that has spread misery and illness for millennia. I’m paraphrasing a bit, but it’s an idea that worth retaining, I think.
You can do it, we all can.

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Thank you so much - I have the book. I’ve just lost my way again. Anyway 1 day sober now and I will carry on. The support here has been so good today
I very grateful.

Three simple words: JUST DONT DRINK

welcome gracie. How are you doing now, 2 days in? hope you found some support in the advice above and kept it up. Here we can learn from others to see other thoughts and behaviours to know how to do things differently in order get a different result. In some situations our best thinking did not get us to good results. Hang in there!

Much better thank you. I’m glad I sought help when I did this time - I managed to eat and slept last night. I agree JUST DONT DRINK when I look at my metrics on my Fitbit when I don’t drink my pulse is better my sleep is better and I feel better. I’ve been struggling with alcohol for the last 7 years - I’m 57 and started drinking in response to pressure of work. When I get stressed now my default is have a drink so I have to work on that. Really helpful ad yes now sober again moving towards 2 full days :slight_smile: thank you all and I will keep checking in here.


I like you Gracie18 tripped up yesterday. Now I’m going back on my journey of sobriety…I will be checking in here from time to time.
I definitely agree that this place is the place for my help. Thank you everyone in advance.

I am in the same boat! Can’t seem to get past day 7. So frustrating!

What happened, Mike? I just saw you’ve had over 500 days prior; that’s impressive!
Change your mindset about drinking; it’s not worth it.

I actually was sober for 910 days and for whatever reason decided that I would be able to handle drinking. I obviously was incorrect but I made a promise to myself that if I couldn’t that I would go back to the sober life so here I am.

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I’m so glad you’re here, you’ll have good info for us newer folks! 🙋

I’m happy to help anyway that I can

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Good to hear from everyone. Such great support. Mike if it helps in anyway I recently met someone who did over 11 years and lapsed. I managed to stop drinking before I really wiped myself out but I still lost 2 days - 1 drinking and 1 recovering. I’m planning a structured week now to keep me focused. I did a SMART women’s meeting this morning and my alcohol worker has arranged for me to start an assertiveness course tomorrow. Thank you all again and let’s keep talking

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Day 4 - feeling so much better of course. I have done a daily check in today. Started a creative writing course and up to date with reading. Thank you everyone for this great resource and support


Good for you Gracie! :partying_face: