Straight edge/Hardcore thread

Another one off the new ep from Back Lip. I really love this band. They live 100 miles away from me. I got to go see them.


Damn…in France 100 miles away is really not considered as around the corner :sweat_smile:
Great band, again

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It’s a bit early for such a status, but I think I got my aoty in terms of edge
CONTENTION :exploding_head:


“What did you say to me?”
Great album! Thanks for that one, got me moving this morning. :coffee::metal:

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Ahah yes! I just texted this sample to a friend with the link to the track :rofl:

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One of the creators of this sound, and probably my favorite band of this kind, Arkangel from Belgium


Chain of strength

I can’t believe another year’s gone by and still nothing, NOTHING, as if we don’t even try


Hey @Pat_m Where you been man? Hope all is well.

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Hey my friend what’s up? Yeah I’ve been away from the forum these days (or weeks), wasn’t feeling so good. Not so bad either. Just empty. I’m better now, in holidays ! I hope you’re alright?

Oh, and rock n roll :metal:t2::wink:

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Hey Friend, good to hear you are doing better. Last I heard, you were seeing a lot of shows in a short period of time. Maybe you were really wore out? Anyways, glad your still upright.

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Oh well, I think my brain is tired of my own self sometimes! Ahah
Thank you for reaching out

Have Heart: The same sun

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