Hi friends! Its been a minute since I started a post. Im not sure if ive ever spoken about my past alter ego on TS (I dont tend to talk about her bcuz i think it makes me sound crazy), but ive been doing a little work around it lately and i came to some big realizations today that Id love to share with u all
So, for those that dont know… I was sexually exploited as a child (age 16) and then began working the sex trade as an adult. I survived and supported my addiction to drugs by selling my services to men. Having to turn tricks put me in some very dangerous situations (which I wont get into), but this is where my alter ego came into play. Her name was Jody James. And she obviously was ME, but i always viewed her in a different light. She was stronger, smarter, confident… a business woman of sorts, yet also more closed off, cold, and distant. I relied on her to keep me safe. To keep my alive. She was observant and aware. She had boundaries.
But on a day to day basis, it was as if i was 2 different people. One side of me was the sweet, kind, compassionate woman that u see today (even though I was addicted to drugs I was still genuinely a sweet person), while the other was brought forth when i needed to be street smart and needed to be kept safe and ultimately to stay alive and potentially survive another night.
I have always had a hard time letting go of her. She was my friend. Even thought i have exited the trade and have been out of that lifestyle for over 10 years, theres a part of me that misses her. I miss the traits that she had. And my first realization is that bcuz we are the same person those traits are traits that I have within me! I realized that I just need to learn to bring out that confidence and strength and those boundaries into my current reality.
I always viewed her as a “stronger person” and yet today i finally came to another realization, that i am actually STRONGER than she is. Yes she kept me safe thru alot of abuse, but I got myself clean and sober, I got myself out of the sex trade, I got myself out of that abusive relationship many years ago, I got myself a college degree and now help people bcuz of it, I am now getting myself physically healthy and mentally strong. I did all those things (with the huge help of my HP of course). Not her! Why am I giving credit to an alter ego?! It just floored me today when i realized that I am actually stronger than she is. It felt sooo good to feel this and i actually feel like im in the process of letting her go. I am no longer having to survive anymore. I am thriving in this new world of recovery! I dont need the same defense mechanisms now that i used to need when i was fighting the world. I can let that go! Just like i can let go of Jody James. She was there for a purpose at that time in my life to keep me safe. But i dont need her anymore.
Wow this was sure an eye opener for me. Ive had alot of time to think lately so i guess this is where it got me haha To whoever read it all, thanks for reading. I am a grateful recovering addict today