Struggling as always

Hi i m kensey… i ve always liked a drink to relax and unwind in an evening… but i feel that my health is really battling… i drink alot more tgab should… i have a very stressful job. And always start the day with good intentions… like ok this is it… not drink will pass my lips tonight… by the end of the day i m screaming … god I need a drink just one… Yeah right it’s never just one!! I 've had this app on my phone and restarted twice since Monday… please share your story and what gets you through that craving… well signing out til later work calls :laughing:

I think the most important thing is to have that person you can contact and just talk to no matter what…you can use this or find someone close…when you feel like having a drink try to identify what emotion your really trying to suppress and then find a healthy avenue for releasing it. Art, writing, walkng, exercise, cooking. The best one for me is writing…with a pencil on a pad…to myself. Just write anything…about your day…people in your life…just anything. Hope this makes you feel better if not continue posting and talking to people!


Hi ya thank you… unfortunatly I have no one to talk to i had a relationship split of 7 yrs and moved away from family… but I will look at writing and have thought of doing a story book just for me…
Thank u for response

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Maybe ameeting might help not for everyone wish you well


I was a full blown alcoholic, I still kinda am.

Try not to beat yourself up later. Come home, chug a big water and read through some threads on here.

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I too know what its like to have that stressful job. I hate my job with a passion. I wont make you guys listen to all the details, but they dont run things very well. I came into this job sober, but i was only like 2 3 months into my recovery. So it was early on. Anyways, when i first started the job and some days still, i want to drink after work. The craving hits and sometimes it sticks rather than passes. But Its what i do with about the craving/thought… like for instance the other night i wanted a drink after work so i took my ass to an AA meeting, immediately following work. I didnt want to go, but went anyways bc more of me didnt want to drink… i know what happens when i drink. I definitely remember my last drunk! And i dont want to forget it! Some days its what keeps me sober, remembering my bottem. Other times when i couldnt make it to a meeting, like say one wasnt going on, id tell on my disease. Id either call my sponsor or someone in my support group. Telling on it takes power away from it… I also made sure to distract myself and stay busy at the normal times id drink. Had to change up my routine. So after work is when id normally drink. So rather than drink, I make sure to pour myself a non alcoholic beverage and do something else, like get on the app.
I hope this helps you out… best wishes!

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