Struggling right now need a helping hand

I am struggling rn if someone would please give me some advice i want to drink but im trying really hard not to right now my significant other is in recovery right now away from home and i am trying to stay sober for them but it has been a hard day. Please just anything supportive or advice like is welcome let me add that i also want to stay sober but they are a motivator for me and i am just having a bad day with it


We are all here for you! Try some meditation/prayer if that works for you. You’re not alone!

Drinking will not improve the situation. It won’t help. You and your significant other are working to make
Your lives better. That’s fantastic! You both deserve it! You do! Keep rocking on. Keep doing your best work.


HI Nick
Welcome to the community! I am so sorry that you are having such a hard time today.

  • Are you able to get to a AA meeting or jump on one online?
  • Are you able to call a friend to chat with?
  • Play games on your phone or computer?
  • do breathing exercises
  • go for a walk
  • meditate - check out this thread Meditation for Serenity 2023! (tips, tricks & discussion/ 2 years running woot!)
  • keep hydrated
  • if you have hobbies - try doing some of them
  • putz around on this site and read about for advice and distractions

Wishing you the best. Just know that giving into the drink will not make the hard day any easier. It will be a shit feeling in the end. Keep strong and keep fighting.


We are here with you. Im proud of you for reaching out and not giving into the craving.

You could…Go for a walk. Take a soothing shower. Go to bed early. Drink some juice or sparkling water. Id advise against going to the store while youre actively craving. BUT WHEN THIS CRAVING PASSES, AND IT WILL PASS…stock lots of fun drinks and munchies


I agree with Cjp. Do not, do not try to go to the market or the gas station for a soda or something. It was also mentioned, by Jazzy, that if you can, jump on a zoom AA meeting or call someone go for it. If you need someone to call I can listen!


Welcome to the site! Lots of help and support here for you. One second and one minute at a time do not drink.
Write down the reasons why you want to stay sober.
Write down the reasons you would want to drink.
In the big picture you may want to stay sober.
Posting here is good for accountability.
You will have a recovery community around you.


We are all right here for you! And everyone of us has been in this situation. Can you try to eat something? Anything! Chips or crackers. All this is is the devil we call addiction tapping you on the shoulder. Ignore it, because it is just a thought. A thought can’t make you do anything. And neither can the devil we call addiction.

The reason I say, eat something is, everyone is different, but I actually think as soon as the carbohydrates or whatever hit your stomach, the craving goes away. Please try it. And please please, please, don’t drink! You will definitely regret it.

Stay strong! We are right here.


And tomorrow morning, when you wake up without a hangover, you will have a sense of pride, not just that you made through another day, but you made it through a great temptation, which will strengthen yourself in your sobriety.


How are you? Please check in. I’m worried about you because I know that you will be so much happier if you do not drink.


Yes please let us know if you are okay

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Right now if i wanted a drink I think I’d step outside and take a big deep breath of the night air and be thankful that I made it through another hard day sober. Hope that helps. It helps me.


Well done! Be proud of making it another day sober… it is a difficult journey but do know we are all on it together…you are not alone.

@nickarms12 - yes, as others have mentioned - please do let us know how you are doing.

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Im okay guys in case you were wondering i didnt know so many people would respond i appreciate it fr i ate some food and am staying busy doing laundry all of your responses made me push through it honestly thank you so much


Excellent work Nick. Keep going and keep coming to this place, it’s such a huge source of support. Congrats on making it through the day!

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Doing laundry is a great distraction! Don’t forget to give yourself a healthy reward after finishing tasks! Some words of affirmation, maybe a dessert from the pantry, a show that you’ve been wanting to start but haven’t had a chance to, some breaths of fresh air outside, browse through the game apps on your phone to see if anything catches your eye, maybe a few moments with no phone at all or a little self care.

Reaching out is really strong of you! This app is really great for all kinds of advice and suggestions from so many different points of view, all with support and recovery in mind. There are different joke threads, pet threads and more to get to know our big-little community.
I hope your nights gotten better!


I’m on day four. I come home from work and sit in my bedroom with my cat. It’s tough especially the sleeping part

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It’s great to hear from you. Glad to know you kept your cool and stayed strong. You should be proud we all are proud of you!

Keep up the great work.