Struggling to beat the urge to have just 1 drink☹

I get the urge for a cold one, except it’s never just one… Push through! Good job btw…


Why did you choose to stop drinking in the first place? Sometimes it can be really helpful to come back to your why and write it out, explain it to someone else and it will actually provide you more clarity and determination to stay focused on the decision you made. No doubt you made this decision out of love and care for yourself, your future and those around you. Stay focused on that. What will succumbing to this urge really do? Play the tape all the way through. Will you feel good and proud of yourself if you have a drink. Will it really be “just 1” …?
Imagine how amazing it’s gonna feel when you come out the other side of this craving, still sober. Wow! That will boost your courage and confidence more than you can imagine, it’s an amazing feeling. Be kind to yourself, ignore the addict voice in your head, making all those justifications and excuses, you know it’s all bullshit or you wouldn’t be here in the first place! You got this. :slight_smile::heart::+1::hugs:


So glad I read this. I’ve been asking my self if I really need this and if I am even an alcoholic. Justifying everything in my head. Actually I’ve even told myself I am just making me miss out on fun for nothing. But I am here for a reason. I have to remember that I hate myself every morning when I’ve had a night of drinking. I hate the mom I know I will be if I don’t stop. I am terrified by the prospect of finding myself in the hospital with any alcohol related issue. I hate that I’ve become so forgetful and as much as I’ld like to blame other things, I know alcohol has a lot to do with my memory lag. Thank you for reminding me that I am here for a reason as much as my mind wonna tell me different!!


Would he be open to getting a small cube fridge and keeping his beer out-of-sight for you?


as much as I agree I can’t stop thinking about oceans 11, I would be hunting that baby down and going all safe cracking on it.


Thanks!!! I finally got over it and I’m beyond excited that I didn’t break!! Thanks for reaching out!

I suppose your husband knows about your problem maybe have a word if your getting thoughts .i used to make sure there was a soda water and lime in the fridge and when i felt like a drink i just took it out and drank it wish you well