My husband is out with his friend.Im driving around arguing with myself about grabbing a cider or something.I guess my biggest trigger would be when I’m by myself trying to fill time.
I made a checklist for myself earlier today, and I accomplished all of it.
I still feel the urge to drink somehow!!!
I’ll be at 21 days after today and it feels like forever
Can u get yourself to go home and get lost in a good book. You’ve come a long way YOU can make it Stay Strong & Pray
You’re on 21 day but I’m on 10 day. Be positive my friend, this urge of drinking is temporary but if you survive, you won☺
The urge will pass, it does take time, it can be helpful instead of thinking ‘today I won’t drink’ think 'I won’t drink for the next hour or half an hour etc etc and so on so it doesn’t feel like such a big task trying not to drink for what seems like a long time… 21 days is amazing, that horrible urge to drink does pass and it’s not easy for anyone in the very early days as the obsession in your mind to have a drink is still very much there. It’s that alcoholic part of your mind that tells you that you need to have a drink especially when you are on your own and not occupied with anything other than battling urges. The longer you go sober that urge will fade. Keep it up. Have you tried aa meetings? I know they aren’t for everyone but if you haven’t tried one then it’s a great way to meet others and also spend time away from going through this alone.
In times of trouble I remind myself of the many, many times that drinking caused heartache and trouble. If the little voice starts that says, “This time will be okay–just one or 2 won’t hurt.” I remind myself that it always ends in heartache somewhere down the line–if not this particular time then the next or soon. It’s not worth the risk. Hope you made it through the tough time. Thanks for reaching out.
@Restlesssoul keep up the good work …you know you’ll be great full in the morning. One foot in front of the other, baby steps but you can do this! ! Xx
Stay strong and just do something else you can do it
Thank you guys for your support. I think that reminded me of when my strongest urgent come, alone.
I drove around a little bit more grabbed a burrito, and I actually cried which was so weird but all these emotions and thoughts I usually sweep under the rug came flooding in.
I drove home watched a little netflix but ultimately went to sleep early. I got like 11 hours of sleep.Crazy
I’m so glad I didn’t drink, it really is one day at a time cause that was really hard
@Restlesssoul that’s really awesome what you did! It’s good to cry and let it out! It’s your body healing itself from pent up emotions! I’m really proud of you! You can do it! Stay strong & believe in yourself, love yourself and be kind to yourself! Much love & blessings to you!
Down but not beaten. I moved into my gorgeous new apartment Thursday but in the morning before I left and I found a bottle of pills. I drank all day and I did them like candy and ended up having an affair. Yesterday I told my boyfriend the truth and we are over for good now. I’ve missed like 3 days of work I have been so very sick and stressed. But today is a new day. Day one for everything and I have a beautiful new home with no negative influences and its time to really focus on becoming the me I know I truly am and can be proud of.
@Ash Day one is a good place to start. I made it 6 days and thought it was going well and then spent the next two days drinking ! I didn’t even enjoy it ! But I am not going to punish myself by continuing so this too is day one for me and I am not going to take my sobriety for granted. The future IS going to be better than my past.
I realized I had a problem about 2 years ago.I don’t know why I continued, we’ll I mean I do.I felt embarrassed and didn’t like feeling like that so I’d drink even more just to have that carefree attitude.
I tried over and over again to get sober sometimes 3 days or 2 and my most was 6.I kept falling back into it thinking who really cares, and noone will know.
I thought, maybe if I hit rock-bottom then I’ll stop.I felt like I needed something dramatic to happen, but I didnt.Nothing crazy, although I’ve had my crazy times.
I woke up after drinking sick as a dog and decided all I’m really craving is to feel alive, and alcohol makes me feel, like death really.
@Ash I’m excited for you, I’m excited for your new place and new start.Do anything that makes you feel alive, make a to-do list that way you have something to look forward to. It starts with day one, and I wish you all the luck in the world girl.
I’m glad you have a positive new place to call home. Keep smiling and enjoy this beautiful day sober. Be strong