Support that has worked for you

@SinceIAwoke Wow, that was a rough way to wake up for you :flushed:. Thanks so much for sharing :pray:t3::heart:. Iā€™m definitely going to check out that RD thread :blush:.

Absolutely! I loved attending online. This way we can be present in our recovery and with our families at the same time :heart:

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Yeah Iā€™d agree having online resources is so helpful. I wish there was more languages available for meetings though.


Yes. I totally get you. I believe you are doing a great work with translating available materials into a language AND a culture foreign to a lot of the concepts of addiction and recovery. Whenever you share about Kyrgyzstan and your life there, there are always elements that resonate with my east european cultural upbringing, including the challenges of these kinds of cultures.