Swimmers 🏊🏼‍♀️ & Ice bathing thread

Feeling free to post some fun…
Let’s kick it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Inspiring :blue_heart:

TW death
TW please don’t click if you have a problem seeing people in swimwear

Callout to the swim club @Twizzlers @CATMANCAM @Soberbilly @MrFantastik @Pandita @Tragicfarinelli @Shawn1991 @JennyH @Mischa84 @Jimmy99
… how is it going? :muscle:t2:


@SelfLove_42 @zzz @Runningfree

Lil swim game reminder, inspiring video above


Oh my gym and run workout schedule is way too hardcore lately to fit something more into it :sweat_smile:

Opera Snapshot_2024-03-09_204055_www.strava.com

But thanks for the video share :blue_heart:


Planning on swimming tomorrow. Main aim for tomorrow is to continue to tidy up my breathing and get more lengths of freestyle in. Secondary aim for tomorrow is to get the time down for completing my swim, not by swimming faster but by taking shorter rests.
For me these goals are a bit opposing,as being recovered between lengths makes it easier to get my breathing right for freestyle lengths.


3rd swim today.
So my distance and moving time today stayed the same, but overall my swim time for 1000m is down by about 8mins from my first swim. Thats just from less time hanging off the end of the pool dying :smile:.


That’s progress.
Happy you enjoyed your swim :smiley:


Everytime I am pausing for a few days,
I am having a real nice set afterwards.

Had walks and handyman activities, regular eating, meditation and solid 7 hours sleep, 3 days in a row.

Result was a very flowy funny workout with a nice pace today. Tomorrow I will have sauna and on Thursday and Friday I will hit the pool again. 🩵


Whoa thats amazing time and distance.

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Awesome swim @Juli1 you of must have felt great afterwards, @MrFantastik just keep at it it’s good progress, I’ve dropped back down to about 1200 meters per swim and will work back up slowly


Had a wonderful swim yesterday… 2200 in 54 again. 1400 of it just freestyle flow without any toys like paddles or fins. True flow. Forgot about technique. Meditation.

TW body image
Had a wonderful feeling afterwards, like 2 hours. Then bad thoughts were crashing in. Bullying my own body for being too fat.
Thinking I won’t get a job that fits to me in late summer.

I know the truth.
This body is strong. It isn’t skinny, but hey I overtake 90% of the swimmers. It’s damn strong. And healthy until here. After all the shit by alcohol and drug use, it’s been through.

My career will go on. Got a very streight CV and real good education… So what?

Damn what?!

I will try to focus on the good side.
Love ya…

Happy water feeling! :blue_heart::green_heart::sweat_drops:


Learned something today that will assist me in my swimming journey in the future… check the online calendar for the aquatic center. There was a kids school swim competition on today when I got to the pool

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That’s a real good learning…
We have something like this too, a online schedule with booked lanes.

My swim yesterday was very relaxing. Just flowy 1500 and a bit of stretching.

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You and I are appreciative of an empty lane for likely 2 different reasons. You so you don’t get caught up overtaking other slower swimmers, and me because I am the slower swimmer haha plus I probably have no idea of lane sharing unwritten rules of etiquette :joy::joy:

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It really feels like betrayal. You get in, it’s crisp and peaceful and lovely. The few adults are behaving and sharing the lane nicely… Then a troupe of sixty tiny humans in colourful caps stream in and start screaming firstly. Then they get in… Usually via the ‘bombing’ method.



This has a story :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
… and it happened underwater
:blue_heart: 🩵 :blue_heart: :biting_lip:


Still jammimg



Hoping to get in the pool at two pm today! A slow recovery swim.


Enjoyyyy the flow :hugs: