Swimmers 🏊🏼‍♀️ & Ice bathing thread

I made it back to the pool :confetti_ball:. I really enjoyed the first proper swim this season. The plan is to go twice a week for 1400-1800 m. If I get lucky, I might do some more swims at the outdoor pools before they close for the season.


I noticed if I use my fins/flippers it doesn’t track on my watch. Makes me too fast for the gps or something :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::sweat_smile:


Absolutely… My Huawei didn’t like that anymore at all at the end. Now I have a Garmin vivoactive that is tracking very exactly, despite of isolated leg training. It’s just disconnecting from Bluetooth again and again, haven’t found out yet what’s the matter.


I need to get some flippers!!!


Welcome back :hugs::sunglasses:

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Fucking proud :muscle:t2::sunglasses:

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You should be! That’s impressive

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Ice bathing:
3 minutes at 6 degree this morning.
Down into my tub until shoulder.
Thanks therapist!
Thanks nature!

Will also have a swim tonight.

Any ice bathing fans also welcome here @Conor80 :pray::sunglasses:


6 degrees that’s very impressive :+1: I done 9 minutes at 9 degrees


Ice baths is a big thing here! I think it is the soviet influence…I go a few times a week for an ice bath. There is a hot spring nearby so we run back and forth from super hot water to the ice water (I’m talking real ice water…someones job is to knock the ice over top out every morning so people can get in). My favorite time to go is when it’s snowing.


That sounds like real ice bathing. Would love to joyn this place!

I am just getting used to it and c what nature offers me regarding decrease of temperature.

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Used my shokz open water for the first time for my swim session. That was actually really fun. Although I got to say that listening to a podcast was a bit of a challenge (the breathing, the bubbles, you know what I mean). But with a music playlist, it’s perfect.


I love my Shokz. They are so enjoyable!


My cold plunge was down till 6 degrees this only done 6 minutes

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I enjoy that shock from going to ice cold to really hot. We also have an ice pool at the bath houses. Most people dunk into this and then sit in the sauna.


I just had my first swimming lesson since school (I’m in my late 30s), and was pleasantly surprised at how it went. I’ve been wanting to get back into swimming for ages, but always felt so uncoordinated trying to swim laps. So I’m stoked to be getting these lessons now.

Used the sauna afterwards too. Anyone else here use the sauna? Someone asked me what round i was up to while i was in there. I feel silly for not having asked what he meant, but I’m guessing you’re supposed to go in and out of the sauna, not just in once like i usually do. Help? Haha have i been sauna-ing wrong?


Ahhhwww… Hi Elyse 🩷

Welcome to swimmers thread! So happy to read about your journey.

Yes, the person meant if you took several rounds and which one you are in. I personally think that sauna is no wrong or right. I read a bit about it before starting last year (to me it was getting over the German fkk thing :rofl:).

I always start with a thermal bath, then steam bath if available. Pausing in between at least 2 times long as the round took. Then a bio sauna with 90 something degree. Started with 6 minutes, then slowly came up to 12 minutes. Pausing, 3 rounds or so. But it realy depends. So no pressure!

Doing this cold water splash afterward starting from feet, right leg first, then the other. Drinking lot of good sparkling water and if possible stepping out on between. Last location had a big terrace. Think it’s always good to have a snack with you :sunglasses:
Don’t ask me why, but I have an irresistible appetite for pineapple juice everytime I did sauna.

Enjoy… And always happy about a report :v:t2:

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