That’s great though, it’s a vital skill to acquire because you never know when you’ll need it.
Oh wow, congrats! Had you been training for it a while?
Ahhh, I see, the gym is supplemental during the meantime in the winter months.
My youngest, she’s 9, joined our local youth swim team this past summer and loved it. Her coach put her in everything but she really excelled at the 50m and 100m freestyle and backstroke. She was also on the relay team.
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I went to the indoor community pool yesterday for the first time in what, twenty years? It was great. I was surprised the water did not seem cold at all (I somehow remember cold being the main sensation when doing indoor laps in the past). Anyhow, temp was just right, and I did random laps for 45 mins. They even had paddleboards available! It was a great feeling, and I’m not too sore this morning.
I’ve already booked myself in again for Monday morning. This may be the start of the journey to physical health and fitness I needed. It’s good that I could overcome my own misgivings and anxieties and give it another go.
Back in the pool Monday morning, and booked myself in for tomorrow afternoon too. Feeling good about it!
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