Swimmers 🏊🏼‍♀️ & Ice bathing thread

Man Let’s talk about that Butterfly stroke.

I’m not great at it, but its a full body workout just by itself! I didn’t do it today but i normally throw in 50 Meters of Butterfly stroke. I need to practice the leg portion by itself. I’ve been studying youtube videos on how to improve my technique, so i’m a work in progress!

This swimming thread makes me really happy. I feel the same way. It actually pushes me. I have to drive 20 minutes to the gym on my lunch break, and having this thread i’ve done it twice this week (i’ve never done that before). Really really really appreciate this thread!


Haha that’s exactly what I do when I want to improve something or have some variation in technique skills. Now it will be butterfly. Love myswimpro.

Had a partner with me, giving me feedback today and watching, espacially underwater.
I did isolated dolphin leg kicks later, that helped me getting the point at pushing out of the water better.

The arms are braking a bit while throwing out of the water. Need better timing. Doesn’t matter, first try since years. I will practice this. It’s fun, impressive and the most exhausting style in my opinion.

That’s just so cool! :swimming_woman:t2:


I just want to echo others and say how much I love this thread. It is so inspiring. I love just being in the water but also reading your detailed breakdowns of your work outs. At the moment I am probably a bit like Phoebe in friends when she runs (when I swim), but really hope to maximise the workout benefits as well as the fun.


I say… Whatever gets it done! To me, if you were at the gym, pool, track, wherever you may do your physicalizing…. You’re already a fucking winner. Anything you do after that it’s just a bonus… And anything you do to get there is awesome!:heart::heart: En route to the gym right now… I was going to swim, but they’re having the one strength training class that I used to like at the same time that I’m there. It’s been a while, but I figure since it’s only offered three times a week I should jump on the chance while I’ve got it.


So i love classes too, whenever they are available, i would go in and really enjoy them. My pool is closed next week, so i’m swimming at lunch this week one more day, that’ll make 3 days this week, and probably right after work friday. Next week, i’ll do lifting splits at lunch, some circuit training.


Just finished an hour in the pool with the kids. I am always so tired after work but it helps me wind down so much. I am back to the same place shortly as I am going to the gym with my husband, I am definitely making the most of my membership :rofl:

I have never seen a Gazelle before, looks like a cross trainer/elliptical. They are one of my favourites at the gym as low impact and seem to work every muscle, much like swimming!


Perfect round :blue_heart:
My August goal is to reach 60 km,
I am on track :smiley:

I will swim everyday until end of the outdoor season middle of September.
If the weather is still fine, I am preparing for some open water swimming in a river here where it is allowed (of cause not alone). This is a bit crazy but I love some thrill and if it’s that way it’s okay.

We have luck to have a nice indoor pool with 50 meter lanes too :pray:t2:

Today it was just a good swim, trying some sprints inbetwen as I was inspired by the hiit thing by @SelfLove_42

Today I left a lot in the pool.
Anxiety, self doubt, stress, depression.
It’s all gone.
Happy to have people here, understanding this crazy effect through own experience.

Hungry now :sweat_smile:

Much love and happy swimming :blue_heart:


Happy you left it all in the pool. Such a therapeutic experience, glad you got a good swim in. I postponed my swim at lunch as i realized that i’ve been running myself a little too much. I chose a nap instead. After work i’ll get a HIIT swim in.


Got in a good swim after work. 29 Lengths doing HIIT, i was toast! Combined with my new approach to weight loss, we’ll see how things go on my monday weight in. I’ve learned tho essentially dieting since december, it’s up’s and downs with weight loss. But swimming burns those calories up quickly.


Yippy yeah… :muscle:t2:

My swim today was not satisfying, but it’s okay. Weather is hot in germany and there are a lot of guests and a lot of them are not respecting any swim rules.

Ok, it’s just half way ok…
Looking back to the last 3 weeks with colder and rainy weather, having a 50 x 30 m pool with few peops or even alone. :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:


Came back from my first swim at the lake right at the start of my holidays. It’s a perfect distance for me to do once or twice a day. 300 m across. Sunbathing. Watching the dragon flies. 300 m back. Shower and coffee/tee.


That’s like 12 laps in a 25m pool, nice workout and day. What type of tea do you drink? My wife has a whole drawer of teas. I drink teas depending on the occassion. If i need caffeine, it’s energy tea or fast lane tea. If i just want an evening tea, it’s green tea, roibais tea, or a chai tea latte.


I went to the gym alone today so was able to go in the pool after. Think that may be a new plan going forward. It isn’t like my husband stops me, it just isn’t something he would do so we do the gym and straight to the sauna normally. I loved it today.

I love the idea of swimming in a lake @Pandita

Thanks for sharing those images @SelfLove_42 Really love seeing things like that, great motivation.

Sorry your swim wasn’t the best @Juli1 Hopefully it all calms down soon.

I got a step further in my gallbladder referral today, long story but will have it out at some point soon. I really want to get as strong and healthy as possible by swimming and the gym so that it goes well :crossed_fingers:


Oh nice. I love lady grey for in the morning and some herbal or ginger tea before I go to sleep. I used to be a coffee only person, but when I first quit drinking I made it a ritual to have some delicious special tea at night instead of wine. I think I tried to reframe the whole situation and make drinking tea into something that felt just as good and relaxing. Worked quite well I’d say :sweat_smile:. Went through the craziest types of tea… Pineapple coconut tea comes to mind as particularly strange tea.


No swimmer at all. I am not good at it. But during the last months here I overcome my aversion to water and went into the sea which demonstrated again how bad I am. And as I am unwilling to believe it’s my fitness, I booked a crawl course in October :see_no_evil:


Wow I am looking forward to your experience. To me, the main thing in the beginning is technique and consistency in practice.
I often c people doing too much speed, splashing tons of water and being exhausted.

First it’s technique…
Like my new real slow little butterfly.
He will rise up with consistency.
And one day… We just floooow :swimming_woman:t2:

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I was so afraid of a crowdy pool this morning as it’s still so hot. After doing the grocery’s with a sweaty back (lol) I decided to just pack that swimbag and give it a try anyway.

Heaven was just a bit cloudy… And it was okay,
I was able to do my 40 lanes on one lane all the time :sweat_smile:

I tried few full power sprints and that was just so nice. Thanks for inspiration @SelfLove_42
It pushed me to the limit and felt like flying.

The heartrate isn’t measured correctly but you definetly c the sprints.

I am in the game :crazy_face::rofl::muscle:t2:


Managed another hour in the pool, 15 minutes of laps and the rest messing around with my daughter. I would have spent longer but someone really creeped me out in the lane I was in. What is the etiquette on under water swimming?? There were 3 lanes, the other 2 were wider than mine. I reached the end of my lane and was about to kick off when a man dived in and then disappeared. I waited and then looked under water. He was swimming along the bottom, so if I hadn’t spotted him and continued swimming I would have swam over him. Really creeped me out. He could have gone in either of the other lanes and not affected someone, but he did it in my lane. I am sure it wasn’t done in a creepy way but freaked me out.

Maybe I am making something out of nothing, but felt weird.


Ahhhwww… Jenny, I am sorry for that!

This guy could have just taken one of the other lanes.

First rule: watch out who is swimming and use a free lane if possible. If not, choose one with swimmers in similar speed. A short greeting is nice. :wave:t2:

If we swim with many we use a
roundabout and orient on the right side of the lane. Overtaking on the left. Welcome to germany :rofl:.

The diving thing reminds me when I swim with my training buddy in a very frequented pool. These times we swim behind each other to save space and when we turn around one is diving under the other. But that needs practice and it’s not a rule but much fun.

It’s dangerous when people dive up without looking up! When I was younger a child once dived up with full speed into my stomach… That lasted weeks!

Don’t let this situation disturb your swimming in general. These situations happen. Like in traffic or other human situations.

Happy swimming :blue_heart:


Aaaah, thank you. It annoyed me but I will definitely get back in. I am quite strict with the “correct” way of swimming around the lane. That lane had arrows to say swim anticlockwise and he completely ignored that too :tired_face::rofl: Honestly, I feel like I was meant to be German. I love the rules. I recently discovered Liam Carpenter on social media and I totally identify with him! :rofl: