I got home from work and was feeling really restless. Before this might have been a night where i picked up a bottle of wine on my way home and drink most or all of it by myself and end up doing something dumb or feeling hungover at work tomorrow. Anyways I was craving that type of evening earlier but then I read through some posts on this app and realized if other people were doing it I can do it too. Ended up having a great night without alcohol- did some work and some reading Thanks everyone!
Way to go!! That’s awesome that you stayed strong. This forum helps me soooo much. I’m glad it helped you as well
you made a very wise choice - the more you refrain the easier it gets.
Good job!
Awesome @coco you are in the power of choose and you did great .keep it up stay willing
Great job!!! Sometimes it feels like life is boring without drinking but look how much more we can accomplish and learn without it.
I have many days like this where is I could only have one or two drinks and just unwind from the day. Then I realize it turns into more than one or two sooner or later and I’m back to binge drinking, lying, hiding, making excuses and feeling like shit. Good for you that you changed your habit or thought process… It feels great making the right choice for yourself and getting things done without the dependency. Very happy for you!
I had a night last night where I poured myself a glass of wine…when I brought it to my lips I just barely got a taste (like it was communion at church!) and I poured it and the rest of that box down the drain. Tomorrow will make 2 months sober! I can do this! I don’t NEED alcohol, I love being clear of mind and heart and remembering things! I REMEMBER NOW! I’m tempted too…but it seems to get easier.
U dont need wine … stay focused great job and be happy @Life-After
That is great. Its,a trickle affect…now you are gonna have a great morning, which leads to a great day, then week. Before you know it a year. Keep up the Good work.
Reward yourself for your awesome work!!
I had the exact same night! Yesterday was my first day off probation and i felt sooo tempted to go in the liquor store i.used to frequent but thought of having to restart my sober counter and said fuck all taht!! Great job!
There are times when I will order myself a drink just to see if I will drink it. It honestly helps me. I have learned to trust myself more, and it builds my self confidence up. I’ve known a lot of alcoholics that do it too. My old sponsor is the one who got me doing it. And he’s been sober almost 10 years. And I’m going on a month. Temptation will always be there but if you are strong and tell yourself that it doesn’t have power over you and remind yourself constantly why you want to be sober you can get through anything.
Good job! That is a huge milestone to say no to ourselves !
You should save your money instead😊
That would be too much temptation for me. You are way stronger than me, and you have more days under your belt. Good job.