Shoutout to the helpful coworker who just gave me a fifth of my favorite vodka for Christmas. I swear it’s staring at me from the corner of my desk right now.
Just pour it down the drain!!!
Re gift it to someone
I actually have a bottle of peppermint vodka hiding under my bed. I bought it as a hidden stash but then decided to quit so now I’m waiting to gift it to someone. But I haven’t opened it!! I think I’m taking it to my work Christmas party and leaving it on the “share” table. I’m dropping it off and walking away.
Give it to someone else . But fast so u wont be triggered
I’m leaving it under my desk until I can regift it. I know I won’t drink at work and I’m out of my office for two weeks starting tomorrow. Maybe the cleaning crew will steal it
Merry Christmas @justMe2
Go to the bathroom and pour it out. The longer you have it sitting there with you, the more tempted you’ll be. Get rid of it. Trust me. I had a couple of days under my belt when I first tried getting sober and found a stashed bottle I forgot I had hidden. I drank it. Not right away. But within the hour
I didn’t drink the vodka…but I drank everything else:( here’s to another day 1.