Thanks to a Friend

I wouldn’t be on day 8 of my sobriety, or even have realized I needed to make a change, if it hadn’t been for a wonderful friend who shared her story of sobriety with such love and excitement. It wasn’t even to me at first, but I overheard her speaking with someone about the ease of pouring a drink after a long day and how that habit turned into an addiction.
Without her, I wouldn’t have realized I could make a change, even in one of the hardest times of my life. Maybe that’s why I understand the importance of the change that needs to be made. She didn’t shame me, she didn’t pressure or push me… She supported and encouraged me so that when I was ready, I knew she would be there and I could do it.
So, I’m 8 days in, I’ve protected my boundaries so far, and I’m chugging along. Living with an alcoholic husband through this is not easy, especially when he only makes fun of your decision to stop. But I won’t give up and I won’t give in. I’m 8 days in, and I KNOW I don’t want to have to do these 8 days over again!!
So that’s where my journey started.


Great share! Congrats on your 8 days, keep it up and you will amaze yourself :heart:

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