The 2 Mel's New Goal and Accountability Log

Stopping smoking is as hard as stopping any other addiction. That why you guys have to be easy on yourself. This is hard work remember your higher power for strength and give thanks for the fewer cigarettes you smoked today, then you smoked yesterday, and he’ll help you through tonight and tomorro. Praying for you :hugs::purple_heart:


Thanks @lizak! I do have a rubber band on my wrist, but I keep forgetting it’s there lol! I’ve been doing pretty good with the cravings. I just keep eating lollipops and drinking seltzer…and try to keep myself distracted!! Thanks for your postive thoughts and support!!! :green_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::yellow_heart:

@MelB, Also a timer on your phone set it and but your cig in a difficult place​:mountain: to get them. If it’s raining :umbrella:put them out in the car, :red_car:so you have to go out in the rain to get them.:wink::heart:

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Today is the day @Melrm! We are all rooting for you!!! :yellow_heart::green_heart::purple_heart::blue_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::purple_heart::blue_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::purple_heart::blue_heart:

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Thank you. Doing okay so far emotionally. I’m fighting a headache, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. Flushing my system with warm water and lime juice to get the poison/toxins out faster. No cigarettes or nicotine replacement of any kind. Just grin and bear it :relieved:

Excellent list @MelB. That gets me excited too


Day 9 or 10 (who knows, we lost count :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) Smoke Free:no_smoking:
•when I get a thought craving, I don’t allow it to stay. Catch and release like a fish. :fish:
•Pay attention to my body by listening for it’s true needs (not nicotine) Stay hydrated, eat healthier snacks, get rest, etc
•what to do with all that extra time that @MelB mentioned? Paint, read, volunteer, go for nature walks, go to a museum, take a day trip nearby, save cigarette money for a vacation


I am so proud of you two… @Melrm, @MelB, :hugs::hugs::balloon::tada::confetti_ball::gift::purple_heart::purple_heart::tulip::tulip::blush::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


2 days 19 hours smoke free as of right now. The first 2 days were horrible…I won’t lie. I kept sweating, sleeping, headaches, nausea, dizziness…I guess what you would expect after 20 years of smoking. But today? I feel good. Still have foggy brain and trouble concentrating. I know it will get better if I stick with it a day at a time. Nothing worth it comes easy but this is yet another gift of health I’m giving myself. I’m getting cravings but I’m walking through them. Yes, it’s hard. Just like getting sober was. But all of this? Sobriety and being cigarette free? Totally worth being uncomfortable (at the beginning). It’s not killing me, it’s making me fight and surrender all at the same time.



Are you thinking of how much money you’ll save yet? Vaca!

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Congratulations @MelB and @Melrm. We’re so proud of you!

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keep up the hard work! @MelB, @Melrm


How are you doing my fellow travelers? @MelB @Daithi @Oliverjava


I’m doing OK, have been using my vapour pen occasionally but only 2 or3 times a day. I woke at 4 this morning with a real cravings which took a while to pass but eventually did.

I’m focused on it though. Feeling much better for it, have had an action packed weekend with tennis, hiking and cycling and know it would have been tougher if I’d been smoking. I was going to try nicotine patches last week but kept forgetting, planning to start tomorrow and then I can stop using the vapour pen too. Feeling like this is it, the tobacco is gone for good and hopefully nicotine too. Then I will be completely clean and I’m really looking forward to seeing how that feels.

Congratulations on your progress so far.


Well hell, I think I know where his 15 lbs went :fearful:


@Melrm, @Oliverjava, I really think the sugary addiction after coming clean from drug or specially alcohol​:cocktail::tropical_drink::beer: is a natural thing. I know after I quit drinking, I craved sweet. :lollipop::candy::coffee::fish_cake::icecream::shaved_ice:I know alcohol has a lot of sugar in it and addicts tend replace one bad habit for another just my thought :thinking::purple_heart:

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That’s absolutely true which is why I’m not hard on myself about sugar intake right now. One goal at a time. Once I get solid grounding in one goal, I move on to another to keep myself growing and motivated. Regardless, sobriety comes first. Here are my goals in order of importance…

  1. Sobriety and Recovery (this also entails spirituality and person growth as a side affect)
  2. Become a non-smoker
  3. Exercise routine (for mind, body, and soul)
  4. Back to Mediterranean Diet (this includes cutting out sugar and processed foods)
  5. ??

@Melrm, @Oliverjava, That why it’s good to fight one thing at a time! Pick your battle… Eat your heart out . Is what we did in rehab, and it was all good​:smiley:. Usually as addicts we are underweight anyway, but we all went home twenty and thirty pounds heavier, than we were when we got there it was amazing. Bone appetit​:purple_heart::icecream::watermelon::strawberry::cherries::apple::green_apple::grapes::banana:

Almost 1 week smoke free (6 days, 17 hours to be exact)
My sense of smell and taste is insane. Things that I thought tasted good, don’t (coffee tastes burnt, meat tastes gamey, lemon flavored candy tastes like Pledge)
I’m getting attacked today with drinking/using and smoking dreams and thoughts. I know I’m being tested and something weird is going on in the universe. “Juuust keep swimmin’” I feel all kinds of crazy today so I’m being extra vigilant. I don’t know if I want to cry or yell at an inanimate object. :upside_down: I’ll be damned if I’m going to let this get to me. We’re in recovery…that takes remarkable strength. High 5 Sisters @MelB and @Oliverjava :grin::muscle: