The Caffeine Circus Cycle of Fail

For me both coffee and alcohol work as stimulants. Both affect brains in multiple ways. As do many other substances, medicines and food supplements. My goal is to minimize the amount of stuff that interferes my brain functions. I’d preferably balance them by non-chemical ways. This doesn’t mean im against medication, but more open to lifestyle changes as the first alternative. Wish you all the best with your project!


The only time I remember quitting caffeine and sleeping like a baby was when I still drank alcohol. The other times I slept like crap and developed multiple body aches which ultimately led me to drink again. One day at a time. I need to be prepared to crash. I will crash. But like other brave people going sober withdrawing I can do it as well. Chaka. :grimacing: Be prepared. Incentives: book a massage for day 30.


Sounds like a serious fight :sweat_smile:
Have to be more precise with my “better sleeping patterns”, better meaning my sleep has been out of order since teenage. Now after 4 years of sobriety ive experienced some improvement. Has to do with decent amount of daily outdoor activities, meditation and re-scheduling my evening routines (mainly limiting time spent with electric device).

You told about body aches. Have you had your magnesium levels checked?


Maybe I might look into this when I am some time without caffeine. For now I consider this related. I will see. :slightly_smiling_face:


Good plan. Coffee can actually cause dehydration and depletion in certain nutrients.


I know supplementing magnesium chloride flakes in my water always makes a noticeable difference, it’s a good suggestion


Good to hear @Bootz that your sleep bundle works well! I use melatonin and valeriana together which help me calm down and ready to fall asleep… Im not sure if i should use melatonin all the time as it’s not recommended.
I also changed my magnesium to bisglysinate form cause heard that its the best absorbed form (and also sleep help). Sounds like science, but i have to be really careful with all the supplements for my iron intake, which has been a struggle. After two infusions im back at almost zero ferritine. Coffee doesn’t help that either.


Jeez. It costs 103 $. But it sounds really promising.

At the moment I use “Need for Sleep” with GABA, glycine and tryptophan. Plus a generic melatonin.


Sounds good. I know supplements are not cures but because our bodies are so mineral deficient from drinking our brains and organs appreciate support and I can definitely feel the difference. We’ve done a number on our brain and gut health that at least trying to do some repair on is a good idea


Interesting. Where did you make the tests? How did you got some sample of your bone marrow? Did you sequence your gut biome?

I studied human biology and I’m still reading everything scientifical about the effects of alcohol on human neurophysiology.


I almost talked me out of it. But then remembered what I wrote in my thread last week. Tomorrow first think i’ll do is put 100 Euro. And when I fail (I’ll set 30 day counter) this money will automatically be transferred to the national rifle association :nauseated_face::exploding_head::neutral_face::scream:
I can do this.


Interesting. I really don’t know heck about the iron puzzle, the more i read the more confused i get… Right now i have another health issue to deal with. Maybe then the next in line :sweat_smile:


Tried positive. As I consider this as a strong habit with physical withdrawal positive never helped. I change my strategy. I will keep you updated. :grimacing: But imagining where this money would go really makes me cringe. Unfortunately I haven’t found something similar for Germany :see_no_evil:


You should put Charlton Heston’s face on your coffee jar :nauseated_face:


How are you doing it? Do you need to donate first, before you can have the caffeine, or after?


I think I wrote it wrong. It’s a page where you set up a goal like no caffeine for 30 days. And you set an amount of money linked to this goal. You have to report via journaling if you achieved your goal today or not. And if you fail the money will go to the organisation you chose beforehand. It’s US based so there is a lot of things from the US. It’s called stickk.


Aaah okay, that makes sense now. I think maybe I just missed tbmhe website part of tour explanation. I can see how that could be motivating.

@Bootz The first thing that popped into my head was “Unfortunate Substitute” brand of caffeine free coffee.


Checking in day 1, almost 10 am:
As you recommended I bought a magnesium vitamin B Supplement yesterday which I took. I am now drinking chai tea latte and it’s okay. Slept like a baby until 7 am. No idea why. Still no headaches. I’ll take it easy today, continue my jigsaw puzzle and time will fly.


Evening check in. I was thinking why the fuck do I do this. The headaches set in pretty soon after I posted. I think I’ll take the day off tomorrow. I managed to go for a short walk. The weather is still awful Novemberish and I miss sun so much.

Well, then I had a clear moment that I don’t want to depend on something which causes withdrawal when I don’t have it for a day or so.


This is it. Well done girl :facepunch:

Tomorrow is another day.