The cheesy song thread

Heeeey now, this is a tasty tune, come on…

Hot Rod!!!

It’s good but cheesy lol especially the video. I’m only posting ones I like. Hubby said to post “I’m to Sexy for my shirt” but I don’t like it :joy::joy:

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He’s a sober musician too, from what I’ve heard




Best Superbowl song ever!

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Well it’s no coincidence the Dutch are masters at making cheesy :cheese: songs. Here’s George Bakers Selection greatest hit Una Paloma Blanca (you might know the band from Reservoir Dogs / Little Green Bag


The Cats has to be in here too. Coming from the fishing village of Volendam, they were the premier exponents of the palingsound (eel-sound).

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That’s a good one!

Horrible horrible song. Remember that from my childhood… this explains all

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Just for the hair…

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Ahh I was thinking about this song the other day trying to remember who it’s by!

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What the actual hell :joy:

I recognise the chorus but I didn’t know it came from that.

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Can’t post more replies so will add others here for now

Ok that’s enough for now :see_no_evil:

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