Awe …so sweet that made my heart smile
I’m started a little early (just here) along with ya, @JazzyS
Love it
Kings too (not leaving anyone behind )
Morning. /. Afternoon … Let’s have the best possible day
@Dazercat @Zse @davina_davis @alisa @acromouse @SinceIAwoke @Steve14 @Dilettante @WilliamBloke @MrsOdh
That brought a big to my face.
i would have done the same thing
By that look I can see it was a perfect blend
To clean or not to clean???
I know its looking a bit rough on the outside but i think it gives it character im talking about the pot part,i was always told that your supposed to just rinse with water to clean it with no chemicals?
Thoughts anyone??
Don’t clean it!!
Well thats pretty emphatic !!,thank you
Happy hump Day my sober peeps
Have a fabulous day!!
@Dazercat @Zse @davina_davis @alisa @acromouse @SinceIAwoke @Steve14 @Dilettante @WilliamBloke @MrsOdh
Morning @JazzyS @Davina_Davis @Steve14
Afternoon @Zse