The days are flying by now

I’m not one to post every day how long I’ve been sober, but I’m excited to be out of the teens and on to day 20 free from that poison we call alcohol. Amazed that I’m lucky enough to not really be struggling with any cravings so to speak. I haven’t put myself in any social situations that might cause me to want to feed the beast inside. Looking forward to 2017 and cruising on into the new year sober as can be! Happy New Year to everyone on here. All of your support and the helpful communication has been a huge part in my early success on this journey. Thank you so much!


Congrats on your day 20!!!

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Congrats on day 20 .thats something big to be Proud of !!! Happy new years eve !!

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I am happy to be cruising on into the new year with all of you! We are on the greatest sober cruise ever! I hope non of us fall overboard in 2017!
Congrats on 20 days! Wow!


Post on here every damn day if you want!! IL give you a big virtual high five everytime! You and I are only 10 days apart in our sobriety dates. Let’s crush this year dude :muscle:


Hellz yeah brother! We’re going to do 2017 our way!


The days are flying by now in I feel like 2017 will also fly by I’m going to try to make so many great moments because days really do fly by when your sober they say time fly’s when you’re having fun so Im going to live in the fast lane and continue being sober and conquering everything put in front of me 1month and 7days sober


Man exactly. I have to start structuring my days to fit all the things I want to do…and am able to do because I’m not nursing a hang over!

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I made a couple lists today: “things to do in 2017” and “long term goals.” I’m finding it difficult to fill my days, but also seeing a ton of stuff to do around the house that I’ve been neglecting because drinking became an all day activity. Post as often as you need to @alpine_1975!

Congrats @alpine_1975 smashing it! Your success always inspires others :+1: Sober in '17 has such a nice ring to it :smiley: