The devil is calling

Day 5 and the urge to go out and drink is so strong. I feel uncomfortable and unsatisfied no matter what I do i try to sleep it off but that didn’t help much running and pushups helps a bit I can’t give in gotta win at quitting. Any other suggestions?


Thank you Oliverjava I’ve been watching some inspirational/motivational videos that someone posted up it helped me to overcome my temporary urges. I want you let you know your prompt response to my post really convinced me that there’s really some good people on here that can inspire me to keep going when I feel weak. Hopefully I can help someone in their time of weakness in return.


Early days for me too. Sometimes the frustration is screaming at me to just have a bloody drink! But I know that this is a drug and this is what it is designed to do. I wait it out and the frustration passes and the relief I get from not drinking out weighs the “pleasure” of having “just one”. Keep strong, keep venting, keep sober :blush:

Embrace the discomfort as your body healing. Learn to be okay with having that empty feeling. Like you should be doing something but no matter what you do you still feel un fulfilled. I just learned to have no expectations except for surviving the day sober. Go to bed content that you won’t have to wake up in the morning full of regret and disgust and self loathing, all of that on top of a horrible hang over. It’s always worth it

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I find if I’m consistently watching motivational videos, praying, reading self help or big book and listening to podcast my urges are virtually non existent. I also began journaling and adding to my gratitude list every day. Mindfullnes and staying in the moment us hard but I’m finally starting to experience the peace and bliss of just silencing the mind and living in the moment.


@Winnerquitter go to your doctors like I did tell them everything it’s all private nobody judges get some meds to help the come down for the first week while you detox

Journaling is huge !! Keep it up :slight_smile: sound like you are making lots of positive changes

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