The disease that tells us it's OK

Day 1 again. I loved the film groundhog day. But I’m getting well pissed off living this nightmare of continuing to drink. I really want and need to stop once and for all. November 15th. My new special day. Please God allow me to post a happy year sober picture next year. Enough is enough. I’m done!!!


You got this! Just remember how bad that hangover and regret feels. Then remember how good it feels to be sober. Keep checking in on this post to maintain focus and if you can attend a meeting of some kind. I’ve had quite a few relapses myself but I always tell myself that I am going to be better than that poison (beer) and not let it control my life. I am almost one week clean now. You can do it too everyone here is routing for you!


Meeting make it easier to stop .get support there and make new sober friends ,it worked for me wish you well

I tried 12 times before it stuck, and the only time it worked was when I actually worked a program and got help, I do something 5 days a week to keep me in my sobriety. Find what is available in your area and give something different a try, doing the same thing will get the same outcome every time