The elevator or the steps

“The elevator is broken; use the steps.”

Elevators are easy. We push a button and go right to the top. The way is easy, fast, and silent. We don’t work up a sweat. We don’t get out of breath. We can’t trip and fall. There is not much time to communicate with anyone else along the way so we don’t have to use any effort or thought. We can daydream as we face the front of the car and stare at the numbers as they change from floor to floor.
Then the elavator breaks and we crash to the ground. Those of us who survive are told to take the Steps to get where we want to go. Our alcohol addiction was our elevator out of living. The high we experienced was just like an elevator ride. Until we crashed.

“I will sometimes sweat, stumble, get out of breath in my climb, but I’ll take time and learn from others who are taking the Steps with me.”


In 19 day’s I’ve made many connections with great people on the steps. I’m looking forward to when I’m strong enough to stop on more floors & visit with the people close to me riding the elevator.

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Sometimes it feels like my elevator broke down in between floors and I’m stuck with someone who just ate burritos for lunch and is real gasy :joy:
Always take the steps!


Now I understand why you don’t like mountain climbing. Haha

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Bumping this because i think it relates to not Just myself but to some others I’ve been reading


I can relate. My perspective would have remained narrow if I didn’t have this forum. I felt really alone with my depression and my addiction. A lot of people have been sharing their stories with me and now I’m not so alone in this crazy world.

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I really liked this analogy. So used to the instant gratification from booze and drugs. The steps may take longer to get to the top but I’ll feel better after I catch my breath.


lol shaved my head, i guess it was kind of a symbolism thing in a way, i don’t plan on cutting it again, letting it grow as long as my sobriety (I’m weird i know)

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