The first few days

These first days are very difficult staying clean. My body says no, but my mind says “you need to medicate”. Really want to make it past the 30 day mark and then move on. Something I’ve never done.


The first few days are always the hardest I use to be like do I really want to do this but this time around the first few days where like I just need to make it to the next day in get as far away from the miserable day that made me want to quit all the things I knew was holding me back now I’m on day 16 in don’t even think about the things that held me back just focusing on my new life loving every day because every day sober for me I get stronger


There is a first time for everything… may this be your last first time beginning your journey to recovery =)

Thanks guys. I remember how good it felt 18 months ago to make it to 27 days… not even sure why I relapsed except that I probably felt so good my sick mind thought… “hey, a hangover won’t be so bad”. I don’t know.