The journey I'm on

Tomorrow morning will match the longest I’ve been sober my entire adult life. 27 days. I can’t remember my abstinence before. It’s because I wasn’t committed to the journey. Every day was a struggle and I think I just wanted to show myself I could quit for more than a few days.
I’ve said it before, but this time is a life changing experience. Every fabric of my being is in this recovery. I quit my job not only because I hated it, but also so I could focus on the most important things in my life which are family, health, and more than anything, my recovery. Even if I relapsed (which I won’t), I’d look back on this as one of the best experiences of my life. I’m not proud of what I became, but I’m proud of what I’m starting to become and I couldn’t be happier about this journey. I accept the long road that’s ahead of me. I have a long ways to go to become healthy again, get back in shape, and take complete control of my life, but I’m here now and I’m ready for it all!


Awesome job man! Keep on moving forward :smiley: and never look back. Happy sober day

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Congrats @alpine_1975. We’re all very proud of you. Thank you for being such a positive inspiration.


I love the attitude @alpine_1975! I feel the same way. Body, mind and soul, I’m in this. No relapses ever. It’s like something clicked in my brain once I finally said (well texted actually) to another person, “I’m an alcoholic.” Bam, I was done. Can’t ever go back and sometimes it sucks a LOT, but I feel stronger every day. Woo!