The life of me (Part 1)

I work as an HR Director is a SNF. Shit is still hard! I’m also certified in all transfers and patient care so I try to help my Aids and nurses. While I cant pass meds, I can sit with difficult residents while they take the meds, which helps the nurses move to the next pass. I also help out in dietary.
This can make it difficult to find the time to hire during an already difficult economy. But I just remember why I’m there. To enrich the lives of others.

You do a selfless job and for that, I thank you!

Hang in there, were in this ( sobriety and Covid) together!


Shit is hard right now for sure!! I can’t imagine working inside the actual SNF. Y’all are the real heros. I’m just typing scripts lol
Hang in there Becky! You’re doing great and hopefully you find some employees soon :blush:

@Mbwoman I could run into wild things but I think that’s just the chance you take with nature. I’m always on the lookout for rattlesnakes but I haven’t seen a scorpion my entire time here. I used to walk barefoot everywhere but when we moved everyone told me I shouldn’t cause I could step on a scorpion. (Still hasn’t happened) The thing I worry about the most is mountain lions. I keep any food I take in a bear proof container and I have my handy dandy knife but if we are being honest the lion gonna win :joy: I’m in a backpacking group on Fb and I’ve seen questions about animals and the majority of the comments say they haven’t encountered any. The main advice I’ve seen is to not hike at dusk or dawn.


Checking in. This morning I tried to go for my sunrise run :cold_face::cold_face: Just no, I made it .40 of a mile before I was back in the car. It was 27 and felt every degree of that. I just ain’t built for that cold. Went grocery shopping instead and waited till the sun came up and went running a bit after 9. Did some picking up and cooking. Even got a nap in. It was a decent day


I am frequently out with critters like that, and others, like wild hogs, not Mountain Lions, although they are around . For the most part, snakes and scorpions want to run away from you, yes there are times when rattlesnakes are aggressive but not usually. They say for Mountain Lions to back up slowly, maintaining eye contact, to raise your arms and spread your legs to appear bigger. Glad you are in the FB groups, Lots of (usually) good common knowledge. I hike with one pole. I always think I will stab a hog if it comes after me. I don’t worry about it.
Edit to add: I do not worry about it but I do pay lots of attention to what I am doing. Always aware where my feet are being placed, each step, (snakes) and hands.
I also know what to do if stung or bit and just hope I am not attacked by something. Always have a flashlight after dark and watch where I am stepping. Just common sense.
Second edit: I also carry two whistles. One is a real whistle. The other is something that when you pull it apart it screeches real loud.


Hogs scare me more than lions do! We had big ass ones back in Texas and they can really mess a person up with the tusks. I’ve heard the same advice about lions. I’ve also heard they are kind of like sharks, if you fight back at least a little with something sharp they most likely will leave you alone.


I would choose grocery shopping over running every time. Every single time. No deviation from that. Ever.


We have wild boar here in the marshes. I’ve heard the little bastards will chase you down and put a hurting on you. Just what I don’t need!! Plus we have poisonous snakes here…copperheads and water moccasins. On the rivers the water moccasins can be in the trees and fall in your boat. The sage advice is to not shoot them after they land. Yeah, call me Jesus cuz I would be walking on water to escape!


I was running on a country road a few years ago and almost had a run in with a wild boar. Thankfully for me but not for it, it had been hit by a car and was passing. They will chase your ass down and maul you!!
I miss swimming in the lakes but don’t miss the chance of gators and snakes. One summer me and my friends were swimming and saw a gator. He was far enough away so we just went on with life :woman_shrugging:t2: Right before we moved they were getting very common at the lake I frequented

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Oh no!!! Never saw a gator where I was swimming. Honestly, though…only the ocean and pools for me. Which is kinda of strange since we have sharks and stinging jellyfish. Something about snakes, though…I just really avoid those. We have a few gators where I walk the dogs but we stay away from the edge of the pond. Gators were over 6’ last year!! Next topic…spiders! Black widows and brown recluse. Yessssss! That’s what I love about the south. I grew up in MA and the most dangerous thing was the people. Massholes!

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Spiders are a huge nope for me!! Chalk that up to a phobia. Even the smallest one will make me scream like a little girl :joy::joy:

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It is a very real phobia!! On the forum somewhere recently there was a GINORMOUS Australian spider. Someone’s hand was near it to illustrate size. I’m not too bad about spiders, but it was damned horrifying!! Let’s face it…Australia makes SC and NM look like Ireland!!

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Lmao I very much remember that spider that @AyBee posted. My vote was to burn the house down :fire::firecracker:


That was it!!! Just…nooooooooooo! I can NOT imagine seeing something like that without 6" of glass between me and it. Even then I would be hyperventilating. And have never hyperventilated in my life. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Just looked it up and yyyeeeaaahhh, I would definitely burn down the house. After surviving a massive heart attack and faint :wink:


It’s not all scary here!
Look at this tiny frog I found on the wall of the house during some rain at night. He’s living his best life hunting little beetles.


Well…he’s as cute as a bug’s ear! Australia has many fascinating animals, it seems. Like many places ranging from cute to scary!


Checking in. Got up early to workout because I’ve been really slacking on my exercise then went to work which was mediocre. Luckily no cooking today since I made food yesterday but had to do some dishes that I asked the hubs to do. I get frustrated with his days off because he doesn’t do anything. I get it’s his day off but my day off yesterday was cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping. Maybe it boils down to jealousy. I wish I could have an actual day off sometime.
I may just do that Saturday. I found a place that does sport massages and one on their menu is a personalized one that figures out and works just a problem issue. For months now I’ve been having pain. It starts in my lower neck on the right and when I move certain ways I can feel pain into my arm, pecs, and back. I can’t look to the right very well and I’ve tried all kinds of things. Sometimes my neck will feel not as tight but for the most part it’s pretty stiff


Not a doctor at all, but it sounds like that is possibly a disc issue in the neck. If it’s radiating like that, something is likely touching a nerve, such as a bulging disc.

Again 100% not a doctor, I just read a lot about neck and spine health. Get it looked at by a doctor or PT :slightly_smiling_face:


When I put my left ear to my shoulder I feel a pull down the right side of my neck in my pec/front shoulder and when I put my right ear to my shoulder I feel all kinds of weird things. It’s kind of hard to explain. It’s not radiating per say. More like I can feel a painful stretch in the muscles and my shoulder blade area has a lot of knots. When I push on the knots I have that’s when pain will radiate to places I wouldn’t even think are connected.
The massage place I looked at is ran by PTs. I figured I’d start there then maybe the chiropractor

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That sounds like a good plan.

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