The little thread of Sunshine ☀️ (with a chance of rain) #2

Sorry I am really struggling to understand your posts. You relapsed? On what?

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Hi there! Doing ok. A little busy at work which is a nice change of pace. Just taking it one day at a time here. Been thinking about the holidays and drinking again… So I need to just focus on one day at a time. :blush: Hope you’ve had a lovely day. Back to work for me. I have 5 more hours to go.


Yeah. You’re probably right. I need to make time to go to some on a weeknight. I’m supposed to meet with my potential sponsor tonight but she hasn’t confirmed that yet. I’m recognizing that there are little thoughts popping up like “I could have a glass of wine with dinner if my husband was there ‘supervising’ me.” But do I really want to make him my babysitter? Sometimes I do because I think he thinks I’m more fun when I drink. Guess I need to have that conversation with him. Ugh. Hard conversations suck. Appreciate you mentioning the extra meetings. I need to get my head in the game here.

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Nope. Doesn’t sound bad or wrong. It’s the truth. Definitely going to have that conversation in the next day or so. Don’t stop telling me the hard stuff. :wink::blush:

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Them little thoughts are dangerous and it’s great u are aware of them . X


You have inspired me over the last few weeks, you have all the right words. Please take your own advice, drinking will not help anything you know this you are an intelligent lady with a great sober life to cherish, it’s just today that’s all it is. Cravings are lies we tell ourselves so we can drink, don’t fall for the false promises of your mind, you have watched my ups and downs and I’m still here. If drinking was so great why are we on here. Be strong and thinking of you.


I so understand you… These thoughts are indeed dangerous. In August when I stayed sober for almost 60 days my husband once said that I’m so uptight and I was much more relaxed when I drank which really hurt me… Because he promised me to support my sobriety which he mostly did. But I think they say these things without thinking what it would cause in us… Because they are no addicts… We both know how dangerous theses thoughts are and our unconscious mind just tries to find and excuse…


Our partners should meet, sounds like they are perfect for each other.


Nope just I didn’t want to react. Learning how not to be reactive (codependent).


I am okay. It’s a meh day.

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I feel you

Yes indeed the unconscious mind is dangerous when left unchecked. And you are so right that our partners who aren’t addicts can sometimes say things that can hurt without meaning to. So far he’s been very supportive but I haven’t flat out asked him if I’m better to be around sober. I think I’m scared of the answer. But it’ll all work out if I stay honest with myself and with him about how I’m feeling. I think I’m the one that feels like I’m not as fun sober and I project that onto him. Anyway - thank you & @Natnat @Dolse71 and @Conor689908 for reminding me of all the things I need to know and be reminded of. I just have to keep vigilant with my thoughts and not let feelings take over. Also need to make time to start working through Step 1. Gotta figure that out.

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I fully understand that you fear the answer but I think in the long run our partners do prefer us sober. Thats what my husband said. I didn’t ask him but after a few weeks he said I’ve become more stable. We had less fights. And I was more balanced. And what I really thought was sweet of him to tell me that he really admires my will power and that I’m so strong… To be able to not drink when actually the whole world around us is drinking… Although they don’t understand our addiction they of course feel the change we make… And I’m very sure you are making a positive change that he notices :grin:


Yes…A LOT of work. Just reading the questions for the first 3 about sent me into a panic attack. I’ll take it at my own pace. Thanks for the permission to take it slow. I tend towards wanting to rush through and get stuff done. But I don’t want to rush this.

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:hugs: :hugs: Thank you. I just realized, reading your message, that I feel like I need some kind of affirmation from my husband. He & my kids are the main reason I’m getting sober. I haven’t gotten to a mental place yet where I’m fully doing this for myself. I’m not sure why. I think that’s something I need to really think/pray about. Get to the bottom of why my heart is resistant even though my head is fully on board with sobriety. I guess it’s still early? For now I’m just going to keep doing the next right thing. One day at a time.


My ego would expect everyone to pat me on the back and tell me I’m amazing when I’m at work, that’s where I felt alone but no one even knows what I’m really doing, or what it really means to me, it’s just oh Pauls trying to give up again. But this is our journey we don’t need no hangers on pretending they care. After the conversation I had with my Mrs today it has to be about self gratification and the truth that we are amazing individuals within.


Morning buddy. How is our brother from another continent?

Hi Cristel. Glad to see you still rocking girl.
You doing so well.
You have said this yourself I know but just a confirmation that you do need to slow down and Accept that where you are right now is where you are supposed to be.
Sit back, open yourself up to the principal of being guided by your HP/god and let them guide.
All things will happen when they are good and ready to. And you will know when that time is when it happens.

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I guess what I’m realizing is I want someone actually caring. I don’t know why I want that. But I do. I need to figure out how to do this for myself. I guess I have to figure out why I don’t care about myself enough to just do it for myself. Working on it. Slowly but surely. Hope you get some good rest tonight. You’re making some good progress there friend!!

Seeing my daughter @ 6:30pm for counseling. I am not sure what to say or how to act.

Don’t stress about this, just start giving yourself a break, and saying to yourself that you are doing it for you.
The rest will eventually fall in to place.
My journey became so much easier when I gave up fighting and sat back. And let myself be guided.

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