The Micro-Challenge Thread

**What I’m doing: cleaning my room
**Why it’s meaningful: I just got fabulous new sheets and bedding. I have a bionic wolf spider somewhere in there and I’m going to find it and take my room back.
**When I’ll do it: today
**Difficulty level for me: 9/10


What I’m doing: Calling the dentist
Why it’s meaningful: I’ve got intense dental pain that needs an emergency appointment, but I have a hard time making this kind of phone call. I have been getting better at making phone calls in general, though.
When I’ll do it: Today, before 2 PM Pacific time.
Difficulty level for me: 7/10, it’s dentistry and phone calls and doing it while in pain, but it’s brief and manageable


That’s awesome the way you’re looking at it. It wasn’t a storybook everything going your way once you stood up to face it, but the experience of having done what you did is more valuable than a fun time at the allotment. It’s an exercise in cognitive flexibility, choosing new responses rather than automatic ones, teaching yourself it’s a manageable experience that didn’t need to be avoided, and it has empowered you. Doing it again is great! Hope it goes well, and I hope it’s also fun this time :upside_down_face:

Oh I know those counters! Mine has expanded from a spot on my desk to all the surfaces in my room because my home life just got reorganized and I have a ton of papers to file but haven’t yet. I probably won’t do mine today but it likely will be a challenge I take on soon! Best of luck!

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:notes: eye of the tiger:notes:


Time’s rolling up for our European friends…
@siand did you go back?
@Mephistopheles did you not do anything this evening? :wink:

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Mission accomplished. I didn’t get the result I wanted, but I did call the dentist which was my goal. No more avoiding things! The time restriction I put on myself really helped me get down to it.


*what I’m doing. Getting back in shape

*why it’s important. Cuz for the first time in my life, I am grossed out by my body.
I have always been a little big. I had periods when I got a little smaller over the years. Like during drug use and when I first got sober.
But I never had a problem with my appearance. It never bothered me. That is, until now.

*what I am going to do about it. Today the family and I went on a 4 mile walk/run. The 6 year old was on his scooter and me and mama were pushing the 2 year old in the stroller. It was awesome!!
We are doing it again tomorrow. It’s a start.

That along with watching what I eat. My wifey has been working with a personal trainer and she has been learning a lot of meal prep and such. So that helps.

I can lose weight super fast. I quit drinking energy drinks over the winter and dropped ten pounds like nothing. So I know that with some diet and exercise I can drop this other 2O or so I need to😉


I didn’t do it… but maybe tomorrow. I have it on my to do list now, at least!


How did you make out with this yesterday?

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Well done! I think the glasses suit you quite nicely!

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I procrastinated :frowning:

But 8 did order a few things that I need so I can store some shoes and clothes

Great idea for a thread! (and sorry if it’s not really a micro-challenge, but a… medium one :slightly_smiling_face:) hat I’m doing: a 10 days buckwheat&kefir diet
Why it’s meaningful: because lately I have been out of control (food, not alcohol, luckily) and have to prove to myself I can do it. Oh, and I DO have to lose some weight.
When I’ll do it: I’ll start tomorrow.
Difficulty level for me: 9/10 (until a couple of years ago, it would be a 5/10 :frowning:)

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I didn’t go back on Sunday but I did yesterday.

Went after dinner and while that can be a risky strategy for me (tired, mood slump, stuck to sofa etc) it was a really good time to go. Nice and quiet so I could just potter about my little patch of wilderness without being so self conscious.


Haha so did I :see_no_evil:

Difficulty 0/10 for me!

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If I don’t post this here, chances are high I’ll back out, so…

What I’m doing: Getting down to a music project I’ve been putting off for a while now.
Why it’s meaningful: It bothers me that I haven’t gotten around to it, and I want to be free. It also is a good opportunity to broaden my skill set.
When I’ll do it: Today (my goal is to work on it today, not finish it)
Difficulty level for me: 7/10. I’ve been letting it sit too long and the mental game to apply myself to the task is harder than the actual task at this point.

So, how was that music project?

2 weeks done on my running streaks challenge (of 30 days to start) (run everyday, for a minimum of 1 mile or 15 min run, but do less then often the minimum - adjust to your needs) :muscle:

Some things I’ve learn from it :

  • Can’t be in the performance everyday. Some day you just get by, and it’s ok.

  • If doing other training/sport that day, use the run as either: morning waking-up easy run, warm-up/cool-down of the other training, in the workout (if doing functional fitness for example), or as a goal performance post-workout (i.e. for me it’s running fast for a certain distance right after a long bike ride to get use to the transition for the triathlon. It’s also great to simulate the effect of loaded legs into a long-distance run).

  • Cool point: you can do whatever you want (running training-wise) in a certain way, because you know you’re running everyday. So if you don’t do a long distance today, or do not do sprints and intervals that day, it’s ok: you have every other day.

  • Rough feelings can always be there to stop you from moving forward. Sometime you have to tolerate it, breath it in, and just moving slowly. It will pass. And if you keep fighting, you might as well be enlightened by the rough feeling transformed into something new.

  • Listen to your body. This doesn’t mean to listen to all the association your brain had created through the years in between your feels and your coping habit (i.e. drinking/using). It means to feel your body and intentionally choose to poursuit your path through a better version of yourself. And sometime the better version is watching TV and eating icecream. It is always better than drinking.

  • Stretches. Do it whenever you can. While cooking, while checking your phone, in the pool, watching tv, anytime.

  • Activity need passivity. Strength need flexibility. Endurance need preparation. Performance is only a part of recovery.

  • The goal should not be the specific performance at the end (i.e. a ironman or marathon, etc.). The process is the goal. The goal is the process. Like recovery. The goal isn’t to get to 1000 days sober or of running streaks. The goal is the process of recovering and being able to adjust everyday to one’s life needs.

  • Setting a minimum life-hygiene is essential to keep mental and physical health on point. This running streak is helping me to do so.

Hope you guys have a nice day!
Let’s go!