The New Guy

I’ve downloaded and deleted this app multiple times in the last year. This time I have to make it stick.


Why? This site is amazing, i couldnt stay sober without it


Agree with @Starlight14 100 times over. This app and community have been so important to my 888 sober days!! I think other programs are great…whatever works. For me? TS works. Just checking in, reading, learning…


Welcome here! I remember the first time I walked into an AA meeting. I remember an old timer said that very few people get it on the first try. And I didn’t get it on the first try. But now that I have over a year, I can honestly tell you that you will be way happier, healthier, and every single aspect of your life will improve by quitting drinking. You can do it! Keep coming back I hope to see you here in a year.


Welcome new guy! :joy: Hope this finds you well and sober. This app is what has helped get me sober. So many people at your fingertips to help you and give you tips and tricks


Welcome, I’m new to sobriety and have had several days where I would have drank if not for this app. Everyone is very supportive. :smiling_face:


Because every time I started drinking again after a few days and deleted it.


Well don’t delete us this time!! Stick around and be sober with us :blush: It’s a hard path to walk sometimes but the rewards are tenfold


I can relate to that kind of honesty with yourself, I would think that if I was drinking, then I should disconnect from all things sober.

When I did finally get sober, in hindsight I can identify three major components.

  1. Motivation like I had never experienced before. I had been arrested and as part of my conditions of release before trial, I had to give a breath sample during strictly enforced hours at the local police station every morning. If I drank, I would be locked up for 3-6 months. I still had a job and a family to lose at that time, so I was scared witless.
  2. I did not drink from rising in the morning until going to bed at night. I used Antabuse to help me with that.
  3. Started to build my sobriety immediately, first with weekly individual counseling sessions, followed by a return to AA after about 3 weeks.

Here’s a great discussion of practical experience to stay dry and get sober,

I wish you blessings on your house :pray: as you begin your journey.


@John_Christopher How are you doing? You still with us?


I’ve done that twice. I would feel so much shame from the relapses and counter restarts I would eventually just delete the app.

But I kept trying and now I’m at 4.5 years!!

Keep trying


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Been there,done that. Twice.
But now I’m back again.
Hopefully to stay this time, at least I aiming for it.
Wouldn’t have come this far without it either.
Anyway you’re not the only one, and you are not alone.
Keep on trying, keep on working on becoming the person you want to be,eventually you’ll come to a point where it works.

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