The pink cloud

What has been your longest period of sobriety?

In that time, do you recall ever having the the thought or feeling that you’re free of alcohol?

My major cloud came pretty early in this sobriety. I was about 40 days sober, going to IOP, meetings, my court dates and seeing a therapist. I recall it starting because I was starting to feel like I wasn’t a prisoner to my own wills and wants when it came to alcohol anymore. I felt free. I felt genuine gratitude for maybe the first time ever in adulthood.

What do you imagine the cloud is like? What do you imagine a happy and full life is like?

I definitely take it for granted, not sure if I’ve ever had depression, more likely just general sadness for a period I guess.

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I’d definitely say so. My mom was diagnosed bipolar manic depressive a long time ago, and I’d watch her climb mountains and then sink to the bottom of Marianas trench with concrete shoes… and there was nothing I could do but try to help. She used drugs to keep her up for much of the 80s and 90s, crack, meth, speed, anything upper basically. Found her a therapist who she liked and listened to her and it did help a lot, much less of the ground opening up below her.

Keep on keeping on friend.

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Yes. We plan to build a house in the next few years, to which we will eventually retire.

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