The principle of surrender

We admit that our lives have become unmanageable, but sometimes we have a problem admitting our need for help. Our own self-will leads to many problems in our recovery. We want and demand that things always go our way. We should know from our past experience that our way of doing things did not work. The principle of surrender guides us into a way of life in which we draw our strength from a Power greater than ourselves. Our daily surrender to our Higher Power provides the help we need. As alcoholics, we have trouble with acceptance, which is critical to our recovery. When we refuse to practice acceptance, we are, in effect, still denying our faith in a Higher Power. Worrying is a lack of faith.
Surrendering our will puts us in contact with a Higher Power who fills the empty place inside that nothing could ever fill. Living one day at a time relieves the burden of the past and the fear of the future. As we develop faith in our daily lives, we find that our Higher Power supplies us with the strength and guidance that we need.

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I have looked for a higher power many times in my life, but have just not found it. I was told in my teens, by a hypnotist that l could not be hypnotise as my mind was blocking his words, could the same apply with me an a higher power? am I sub consciously blocking it

But the meaning “higher power” doesn’t necessarily pertain to “god” it could be anything.
Some people even pick themselves as their higher power…
I always liked the phrase in the big book where it says “a God of your own understanding”.
So i looked at God in a way i thought it would be, not in the way i was told Or explained by other people, church, or the bible.
To believe in ourselves,in the things around us and in life in general is to believe that there is more at work then what we already know.
If you feel you are done with addiction, that your sick and tired of being sick and tired and that you have a want and a need for sobriety…then maybe that in itself is your higher power and can be used as your strength in your recovery.

Wise words. I can relate to that

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I get it now. have never thought along those lines.

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