The rabbit hole

Hello everyone,

Just a quick observation that I was thinking about earlier. Previously, I downloaded the app in a hope to cut off my relationship with porn. Now that I have accepted that and come to terms, it seems like I have noticed other addictions and vices to things I thought I had previously under control. For instance, since being more open with my porn problem, I now question my relationship with social media, tobacco, and most of all weed. So my point is, my intial addiction pointed out other problems in my life that need fixing, have other people noticed that too. Good luck everyone


Omg yes! When I first tried getting clean many many years ago, I noticed other areas and things in my life that I was addicted to and in some cases… those addictions became worse because I was no longer using. Smoking cigarettes got worse, addiction to caffeine and the gym got worse. Now some my think, “oh being addicted to the gym can’t be a bad thing”. But for me it was. For example, if I didn’t go to the gym and get my “fix” I was extremely irritable and moody. I would spend hours each day at the gym pushing myself to extremes. I had a go big or go home attitude. It was unhealthy. I also developed an addiction to food at one point. Shopping and spending money. And other things that I won’t mention lol. Certain areas like the gym and shopping etc I had to learn to create a balance. Other things like smoking cigarettes I gave up. But ya I hear what ur saying completely. Other areas just sort of come to light when we quit our main addiction


We are addicted to that rush and if you want to really drill deep there are a lot of things we do daily that provide a flush of rush. The question to ask yourself is what you are doing is it problematic? Just because you are addicted to one thing does not automatically qualify your to have a problem with it. Once you learn the art of abstinence you will have quite the full tool box for you to better manager your relationships with other stimulating activities.


Thank you for sharing. Have definitely been on the quest for balance lately.

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It started off with gaming, YouTube and twitch. Now there’s also procrastination, TV shows, wasting money on unnecessary food and there likely will be more to come

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That’s a spot on observation. Getting rid of one addiction can often reveal more. It’s like cutting off a dragon’s head and it grows back 2 more.

The way I understand it is that you’re engaging in battle at two fronts: 1) rewiring the addicted brain and mind 2) addressing core reasons what you’re tried to cover up/run away from to the point of developing addictions (loneliness, low self-esteem, poor self-image etc).
This is simplified illustration and obviously the reality is more complex. I’m not saying addiction is simple but it IS beatable.

I ask lots of “why & what” questions when I’m trying to find the root for my addictive behaviour.

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Yes I totally agree with you. The more I work on my porn addiction, the more I am able to see the same tendencies in other activities I before thought was acceptable. I also notice most it stems from the same things but may manifest in different actions, same goal. Thanks for responding, have a good day

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Hey corndog9 yea it does when you bring to light your first major problem it will open doors to other vices you might have that you didnt think you had a problem with becareful take it one step at a time start with one thing first and go with the other whenever you feel comfortable to do so sometimes when people try to juggle all there addictions and vices they tend to break and go back because it can be overwhelming sometimes so just acknowledge the others and start with one and day by day you will find your pace goodluck best of wishes !

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Thank you for the advice. I have definitely been doing some soul searching and am still confused on what I am to do. I know that I may have unhealthy relationships with other drugs/activities, but is it too much to cut out all at once. How do you know how many vices you are able to overcome at once, or how much you can handle. I think the answers will come from more self exploration. The tough part for me is if I have all of these so called unhealthy behaviors, where do I draw the line of what I can feasibly accomplish at one time. I am worried about quitting weed as that has taken up a lot of time and energy and has been something I’ve done for years. I think the harder part will be replacing each of my vices with healthy activities.

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