The real test is next week

I’ve been completely alcohol free for 260 days today. I havent used AA or anything besides self motivation and so far I’ve been doing fine with not drinking. I really dont miss it too often anymore unless its a social outing or a bad day. But next week my wife and kids are flying home for three weeks and I’ll be alone the whole time. I feel like I can make it through, but at the same time I’m worried that I’ll slip up and disappoint myself and my family. I have a very high stress job and i’ll be coming home to an empty house. This is feels like its going to be the most challenging part of this journey so far.


Maybe plan your week ahead?

Also the real test is always today. Keep it one day at a time.


260 days is awesome; I’m a little surprised that it’s an issue because your family is going away. You’ve done this on your own; that shouldn’t have any effect on your sobriety.
It’s just another day.:blush::+1:


Totally agree with Donna you’ve gone 260 days that’s amazing yes u might say that it was ur family that got you there but it wasn’t it was you that got urself there but if u are nervous about it maybe plan a few things to keep ur mind occupied u can do this :+1:


Be grateful you still have your wife and kids.
My bottom was losing my marriage.
If you drink, you will lose that.
Trust me my friend, please remember those loved ones in your life that depend on YOU to be that example.
It’s not even close to being worth it.
Look to your higher power :muscle:
Take care, Eddie

I like @WCan response to this particular moment. Draw up a plan hour by hour and make it busy. Take it day by day and if you can hour by hour. You will pull thru
All the best.

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Mate what’s your worry.
Don’t think about it. Just do each day as it comes.
No need to worry about something that hasn’t happened yet.
You’ve got this far, if you have been doing it right you should not have any problems.
Well done by the way. That’s some strong time there! :facepunch:


dont give up

you still have your loved ones

my gf left me sevral times because i get drunk too much.

maybe you can plan specil meals. steak, specil salads, pizza or really any food you like. maybe pick up some gifts for your family for the return.

pay no mind to alcohol. your here and sober. that is a very good thing you have.

think about it

my first drink played out. 1, 2, 10 11 12 beers later im laying in bed sick.

alcohol, cunning baffaling powerful
also makes people mean

You have done amazing on your journey so far try to not that that thought roll around in your head for to long as we start beleiving our own voices and we know some of them voices aren’t us there our demons masked as our thinking,share your concerns and makes some fun plans whilst there away .all the best🦅 don’t overthink things

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Remember you will have the tool of this app next week. As soon as you feel like a drink get on here and talk to this sober community for as long as it takes for the craving to pass.

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Congratulations on your 260 days…that is impressive! So much good advice shared already, I will second it. You have been doing this on your own for 260 days, don’t sell yourself short. If you need to reach out, do so here…read, post, etc if you are feeling iffy. Or maybe find a meeting to attend, can’t hurt. Also, have a plan in place as also mentioned…go for a walk or do something you love to keep you occupied. I also suggest writing down what you have gained thru sobriety and what drinking was like for you. Oftentimes we forget the REALITY of drinking and we romanticize it or think this time it will be different somehow…it won’t. For me, remembering that I hated, literally hated myself when I was drinking, that my marriage was hanging on by a thread (as was I), how shitty I felt with every hangover, etc etc…get real with it.

You can do this sober. Have faith in yourself and remember why you got sober to begin with.


Maybe it would be a good idea to find a group locally so you know you have that resource is needed…perhaps also find some projects or somethibg to keep your mind busy??

I appreciate everyone’s input and suggestions! My wife gave me some woodworking projects for the house and since I already gym daily maybe doing some 2 a days for something to do after work. I feel more confident going into this now. Thank you, everyone