18 days sober and going strong. So I’ve been to a couple AA meetings and it was good. There’s just one thing though. I believe people can have different paths to recovery and be successful. I struggle with the philosophy that if an alcoholic doesn’t “work the 12 steps” they are likely doomed to relapse and eventually perish so to speak. In my own way I’ve already accepted and come to grips with many of the steps already. With the strength I have inside and the support of my family I can continue to be sober and happy. What I’m trying to convey is that I know I can recover on my own terms and have no doubt that I will be successful. There’s nothing wrong with AA, in fact I think it’s a great place for support, but I certainly don’t feel the need to do 30 in 30, 60 in 60, 90 in 90, and so forth. My friend and sponsor has been sober for 4 years and has done so with courage and self resolve. I feel I’m on a similar path.
I’m in AA and go to meetings, read the big book, 12 and 12, and 24 hours. That being said…I don’t agree with every single thing that AA says. I use my brain and ask questions and do research. I take what I need and leave the rest. When I was on shaky ground, AA meetings got me sober. However, there are many other things that I do now that keep me sober. Willpower alone does not work for me…I’ve tried, believe me. I have a disease that tells me I don’t have a disease. You have to walk your own path and be open to suggestions. And also be truthful with yourself if something is or isn’t working. I see some people have success by going to church…that doesn’t work for me. I see people practically live at AA meetings…that doesn’t work for me either. What works is balance, honesty, and combination of sobriety resources. And being friends with sober people who will call me on my shit.
Thank you for your input ladies!
Awesome post @Melrm …I feel in that perspective we are somewhat similar. I want to work the steps and go through the whole process because this is so new and I like the idea of becoming a less selfish, angry, shitty person. However, my schedule and life in general doesn’t really allow me to do 90 meetings in 90 days, and there are some other elements about the program I question. Right now I consider myself a student of AA, but I’m not going to blindly follow everything just because. I think it’s up to the person to decide what works for them and it’s always good to know they have resources to fall back on if needed. Congrats on 18 days @alpine_1975 !!