The Stupid Polls thread (Part 1)

BBQ, like real, smoked bbq. Not that crap you buy at a chain restaurant.


I’ll do it… I’m full of tough love :wink:

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Japanese! I am so paralyzed looking at a menu because I want it all, but seldom eat out so I have to make that one meal count.

Lol I got something brewing lol

I cannot wait. I might actually contribute a little more to the new tough love thread… I’ve got a whole bunch of shit no-one wants to hear that I think people should hear about :wink:

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I’m just tough to love… ok, I’ll see myself out now…


Wow, tough bunch! :grinning:

Too many options. Causes confusion! :rofl::rofl:

YOURE a tough bunch.

Where do you want to go eat? I dont care, where do you want to go? I dont care how about x. No. AHHHHHH lol

Taking the tree down on Feb 9th? And I thought I was sentimental! Or is it laziness? :joy:

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Hahaha well, the thing of it was, the Seahawks kept winning as long as the tree was up, and they won the superbowl that year. Coincidence? I think not!


How did you initially feel about the comeback of 80s fashion? I’m learning to accept it more but I’m more of a 90s fan myself

  • No thanks. Why, oh why would it come back?
  • Yes, it’s awesome
  • Meh. Indifferent

0 voters

I was recently informed that the Mullet is making a comeback. My 12 year old self would be ecstatic!


Related: How do you say it, out loud, if you’re talking about the (20)00’s or 10’s? I’m glad we’re back in easy territory now :sweat_smile:

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Dogs and cats equally. Just to clarify.

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Which would you rather eat?

  • Cat
  • Dog
  • People

0 voters

Don’t judge :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Scientifically: Dog because they are omnivores rather than carnivores, and because of biomagnification. Less concerns about nasty stuff accumulating in their tissues in high levels in higher amounts up the food chain. This is in the absence of doing actual research, of course. I mean, people are omnivores too, but the ethics are a lot trickier.

But it would really depend on how they were raised. NYC street mutt, or raised humanely and handled according to proper health and safety standards?

Edit: Actually I’ll add to that. It’s not fresh in my memory banks, but I think I recall there’s a ton of gross diseases that you would be exposed to eating human flesh. Lots of stuff doesn’t make us sick because it doesn’t transfer from other species to humans, but humans to humans is a different story.

(P.S. To anyone who doesn’t know me well, playing serious in response to jokes is a flavour of humour I really enjoy :grin:, but often gets misinterpreted without a cue, sigh)


I honestly thought I would have been the only one lol

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