I’m going to start again… staying away from alcohol. I was at 34 day when I relapsed. I’ve been using this site for so long and never knew that a discussion among other addicts even existed but I needed so desperately. I’m so happy that I some how found the link and created an account. I have a lot to this story because alcohol is not my only demon bit it is my latest one. I’ve been in and out of treatment for decades and only being 34 should say a lot. Anyway, please wish me luck. I’ll be checking back in.
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You don’t need luck! You can do this, pray, ask for help and go to meetings. Surrounding myself with other people in recovery has been the best thing for me. Thanks for sharing!
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Knowing that you made it a month is a huge accomplishment. It means you can go even further! I believe in you sister. We are here for you. <3
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